Evo 6 base map - definition file please


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White Knight

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
Ho guys a fair while ago I swapped in an E6 ecu into my HSGR for the purposes of tuning.
So, now I'm looking for the base map and def file for same. I am having a prick of a time finding this.....
Thanks in advance guys.
I can find Evo 7 onwards pretty easy. I just got my car back from the mechanics last night so I'll have to check numbers, I'm certain that I have checked golden evo website before though..
I shouldnt have been such a pussy and just kept the evo 8 ecu Ian, ha ha ha ha!!!
Maybe I can use an E7 base and definition.... of any one can answer that?
**** it Ian, just swap cars then? Lol.
I also lost your phone number as well mate.... new phones and all!! Ill have some numbers by tonight.
I'll shoot you a message with my number.