Evo 7 ECU into Hyper Gear RVR ****** DONE IT


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You may have to check pin outs for both ecus, im not shore bud.

I heard that people flashed evo5 roms with good results on your rvr model.
I even have xml for your rvr rom.
Check my post

Vr401..nice to meet you all..i came from malaysia and i need HELP.. i got a galant and it use to be a 6a12mivec single turbo.(can find on YOUTUBE 6A12 MIVEC TURBO)Cause of gearbox broken i get a new half cut from japan model rvr hypergear 1997 manual 4g63t. It was planted into my galant..i plan to fit on a evo 3 ecu, did i need to get all the evo 3 senser together for the replacement? Or just simply change the ecu only..need some tips cause im wiring noob here..haha..so far got any rvr hypergear ecu pinout diagram?thanks alot..hope get you reply soon
Vr401..nice to meet you all..i came from malaysia and i need HELP.. i got a galant and it use to be a 6a12mivec single turbo.(can find on YOUTUBE 6A12 MIVEC TURBO)Cause of gearbox broken i get a new half cut from japan model rvr hypergear 1997 manual 4g63t. It was planted into my galant..i plan to fit on a evo 3 ecu, did i need to get all the evo 3 senser together for the replacement? Or just simply change the ecu only..need some tips cause im wiring noob here..haha..so far got any rvr hypergear ecu pinout diagram?thanks alot..hope get you reply soon
I'm pretty sure that if you use evo3 ECU with RVR hypergear wiring all sensors are ok. The only thing that you need to do is to swap two pins going into evo3 ECU. they are pin 8 & 33.
With RVR mitsubishi swaped them two wires for some reason and the car will not start if you don't swap them ;)
see wiring bellow.
I'm pretty sure that if you use evo3 ECU with RVR hypergear wiring all sensors are ok. The only thing that you need to do is to swap two pins going into evo3 ECU. they are pin 8 & 33.

With RVR mitsubishi swaped them two wires for some reason and the car will not start if you don't swap them ;)
see wiring bellow.

Thanks vr401. God bless you!! After i switchd the evo 3 ecu and i replace the rvr airflow sensor to evo 3 airflow sensor did i still need to remap or tune with piggyback for better perfomance?Actualy what is the different in between rvr hypergear evo 3 spec and origin evo 3? As i know rvr hypergear has a detune ecu. 8.5 compression ratio. Less agressive cam. I only wish that i can get a simple tune and mod so that the my rvr engine will become more agressive as evo 3 or more. One more time, thousands thankssss!!! this help me the alot.. im proud to become 1 of a 4G family here..
Thanks vr401. God bless you!! After i switchd the evo 3 ecu and i replace the rvr airflow sensor to evo 3 airflow sensor did i still need to remap or tune with piggyback for better perfomance?Actualy what is the different in between rvr hypergear evo 3 spec and origin evo 3? As i know rvr hypergear has a detune ecu. 8.5 compression ratio. Less agressive cam. I only wish that i can get a simple tune and mod so that the my rvr engine will become more agressive as evo 3 or more. One more time, thousands thankssss!!! this help me the alot.. im proud to become 1 of a 4G family here..

I wouldn't say that hyperghear is detuned version of evo3. They make in manual 184kw and cams are same as evo3 cams too. If you have hardware and software to tune evo3 ecu you should get same power out of that engine as you would if it was evo3 engine.
I have used evo3 bin files with RVR ecu so this shows how similar these two are.

Thank the gods for greenshot, now I have all I need to get my evo ecu to work with my rvr loom, seriously vr401, I'd kiss you!, not in a gay way of course, but you have saved me a lot of time! :p :lol:

I was just lucky enough to find this out when we were installing Evo7 ECU in hypergear using evo3 pinout wiring and evo7 pinout. Once we swapped all the wires car wouldn't start.
I start checking everything and after I failed to start fuel pump with Evoscan I decided to swap the two wires and did a test on fuel pump again when it started working. I tried to start the car after that and "YES" it started first time. :)

Keep me updated with your mate.

I wouldn't say that hyperghear is detuned version of evo3. They make in manual 184kw and cams are same as evo3 cams too. If you have hardware and software to tune evo3 ecu you should get same power out of that engine as you would if it was evo3 engine.
I have used evo3 bin files with RVR ecu so this shows how similar these two are.


Thanks alot for the information:) so what is you advise for this case. Do i still need to change my ecu to evo3? Or just use my own rvr hypergear ecu and remap it @ root with evo3 bin. Can evoscan tune a rvr hypergear ecu?
Thanks alot for the information:) so what is you advise for this case. Do i still need to change my ecu to evo3? Or just use my own rvr hypergear ecu and remap it @ root with evo3 bin. Can evoscan tune a rvr hypergear ecu?

If you know how to tune ecu using tunerpro I can give you my files to tune rvr ecu without any need for evo3 bin or ecu.
If you know how to tune ecu using tunerpro I can give you my files to tune rvr ecu without any need for evo3 bin or ecu.

Im have never tune a ecu before. Maybe i will my send my car to local tuner shop for remaping. As i COMFIRM, they not as protuner as your guys does :( i got a friend that know how to use evoscan. I think he should know how to tune using tunerpro aswell. Get back to you after this. Anyway THANKSSSSs for been so kind and helpful :)

Keep in touch friend.
seanay00 said:
Will a evo IV ECU fit into a 1995 sports gear??? and will it be tunable???
seanay00 said:
Will a evo IV ECU fit into a 1995 sports gear??? and will it be tunable???
Evo IV ECU can not be flashed and therefor is not good as an upgrade.

Evo V-VIII is the option and you should find 4 plug ecu so your wiring harness plugs straight into it.
You also have to know pinout diagram for that ECU.
jack of all said:
Hey mio, do you think the rvr ecu is the same as a us 2g ecu. Ie, a eprom one could run ecmlink v3 full version
I am pretty sure that someone from here is/was running ecm link in his rvr.
In case anyone was curious...
Just installed evo6 ecu into the hsgr. It would start and run with no issues except for radiator fans and fuel pressure solenoid plugs. Easy as once you work out the "secret handshake" for the pins.
All done and sweet as.
Just gotta get this manifold to turbo gasket replaces and then the evoscan headache will start.
jack be nimble said:
Hey mio, do you think the rvr ecu is the same as a us 2g ecu. Ie, a eprom one could run ecmlink v3 full version

I have "lite" that I play with in mine (most of the time I run the std ecu) You'd have to get a pinout for a 2g and work from there Jack, however I think they would have figured something out by now if they were the similar.
I don't know why they only offer "lite" for Evo 3 and RVR, I suspect it might be due to demand over there, not many RVRs or Evo 3s getting around so probably not worth the effort. I think it's only going to get worse myself, most people are going either late model Evo or other brands over ECMlink

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