EVO Inlet manifold with factory anti-lag actuator


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Aug 24, 2005
I aquired one of these recently. There is a spot on the head that is usually blanked off on the inlet side of the head by the intake manifold. When you remove the intake mani you will see that this spot that it has blanked off has a ***** load of exhaust gas built up where it was blanked off. The mani i have has an actuator that uses this port. The actuator has a hose at the top that you connect to your intake and the other end runs down to the port in the head that is usually blanked off by a standard manifold. From what i can gather this port runs through the head to the exhaust side some where after the valves. The actuator is activated by vacuum. To make it work you need to modify the ECU so when it detects vacuum it tells the ECU to retard timing or a ralliart ecu will prolly just do it as a standard feature maybe? WAM hello anti lag! This is not an after market part its genuine mitsu... its deffinatly of either EVO I, II or III. Its a very similar thing to what they did with the later evo's and being able to use antilag with almost factory setup. Just wondering what all your thoughts on it are as i've never seen this before.
GSRWRC said:
tharaka said:
JSTYLE said:
thats an evo 3 plenum, they have inbuilt anti lag in the wiring and ecu..
hence why parts off a gen e3 are soo expensive!

so all evo3s have anti lag?

No, they have the equipment for it. It requires activation in the ECU somehow.

yer it requires it to be enabled which is fairly easy.. the Ralliart E3 ecu's have them enabled.

On another evo forum (ages ago, before I even had a galant heh) they were talking about exhaust gas recirculation antilag, some dude took a picture of his evo 8 engine and it apparently had this setup.. certainly it looked weird.. but I haven't been able to find very much information about this kind of antilag except its apparently much less harsh on the turbo.
Doesn't this just sound like exhuats gas recirculation. At low loads, when there is still vacuum in the intake and you aren't achieving full cylinder filling because the throttle is only slightly open it uses exhaust gas to help increase the cylinder volume only slightly. This hot exhaust effectively dilutes the air fuel mixture and helps give you better emissions.

I'm not sure on how the anti-lag works using this - please correct me if I am wrong. Just haven't heard of this type of antilag system before. I understand the concept of retarding timing to fire on the when partially on the exhaust stroke and spooling the turbo that way but why does it need to re-circulate the air into the intake?

Just adding my two cents.
GSR_BOY said:
Doesn't this just sound like exhuats gas recirculation. At low loads, when there is still vacuum in the intake and you aren't achieving full cylinder filling because the throttle is only slightly open it uses exhaust gas to help increase the cylinder volume only slightly. This hot exhaust effectively dilutes the air fuel mixture and helps give you better emissions.

I'm not sure on how the anti-lag works using this - please correct me if I am wrong. Just haven't heard of this type of antilag system before. I understand the concept of retarding timing to fire on the when partially on the exhaust stroke and spooling the turbo that way but why does it need to re-circulate the air into the intake?

Just adding my two cents.

No not EGR :roll: It sits on the t/body but as i said get a feed from your intake and the other end connects to a port that runs to exhaust side of the head. It doesn't recirculate air into the intake.
Well, if its not an EGR valve, care to show me a picture. Since I have an EVO 3, plus 2 spare EVO 3 engines sitting here, somehow i think i might be able to check. Not one of them has any fancy antilag setup, nor any of the others i've worked on.
I have it on my E3.
When I 1st bought the car it have just a blank bolt in there,it was coverd in black soot & burnt exhaust gas, (You will find it on the drivers side of the back of the head.)
So I got a Banjo-bolt and drilled it out some more to make the hole bigger so it would flow more air.
Makes a nice "POP,POP" on gear changes now and when I back off (And when I free rev) :)
I've alway read that it was fitted only to the E1, E2, E3 RS (I have a RS head fitted) and then came factory option on the E4 snaking around the engine to the exhaust manifold.
Argh, there needs to be a limit on the size of pic around here

lol.. looks strangely like an EGR valve. I'm pretty certain only the e3's had the egr valve.

If it aids for some kind of anti lag, could someone explain how it works. I've done a fair bit of research into this in the past, and using EGR aided antilag, wasnt effectively introduced until around 2001-2002.

Just thinking of how the E3 setup is, I see it near impossible to work for anti lag. Anti lag requires a misfire, ignition timing change, in order to dump raw fuel into the exhaust, but inorder to ignite it, it either will fire the spark incredibly late so the flame front continues into the exhaust, or you introduce oxygen into the hot exhaust manifold to start the combustion with the unburnt fuel. Now I'm assuming you are saying that this will come from the EGR valve, which has a small port running through the head to one exhaust port, I simply dont see this being sufficient to get it working.
The lancer Evolution III's engine has to fight what is called a post combustion control system. This injects air into the exhaust manifold and burns the still fuel-rich exhaust gases in the exhaust manifold, between the engine and the turbo. It is a method of keeping the turbo spinning at optimum speed and thus helping to give optimum power for a given engine speed.

Taken from a brochure i have here i bought off EBay.

Not sure to believe ALL it says, as it also says the engine construction has a light "alloy Block" and head :?

Ill scan it and put it up :wink:

OK here are a few other things ive found:






All i can say is i hope you guys appreciate my research :wink: :D

Its a good read :!:
It isn't like the "Real" anti-lag when the unburnt fuel is ignited ect...But It's a valve that stores boost pressure and is injected into the exhaust port (From E1-3) thus aiding the turbines speed on gear changes ect...

The correct name for the system is "Secondary Air induction system"
From the EVO 4 and on-wards they had a silver pipe running to the top of the exhaust manifold with 2 (Instead of 1 in the EVO 1-3 at the back of the head) injectors held in with a banjo-bolt and into the exhaust manifold it-self.
Here is a bit more info on the system as quoted:

"The introduction of a secondary air induction system improved turbo on-off response by feeding pressurized air above the turbine and reducing negative pressure, thereby keeping turbine speed from dropping under deceleration."

So it does help with turbo response, not as much as the other tyrpe of anti-lag. :wink:
:lol: Beat you to it Lee.

As above near on 2 hours of research to beat you by 1 min :p

Buying your boost controller now :wink:
Next question is how harsh do you think the 'post combustion control system' would be on a tubular manifold?