I aquired one of these recently. There is a spot on the head that is usually blanked off on the inlet side of the head by the intake manifold. When you remove the intake mani you will see that this spot that it has blanked off has a ***** load of exhaust gas built up where it was blanked off. The mani i have has an actuator that uses this port. The actuator has a hose at the top that you connect to your intake and the other end runs down to the port in the head that is usually blanked off by a standard manifold. From what i can gather this port runs through the head to the exhaust side some where after the valves. The actuator is activated by vacuum. To make it work you need to modify the ECU so when it detects vacuum it tells the ECU to retard timing or a ralliart ecu will prolly just do it as a standard feature maybe? WAM hello anti lag! This is not an after market part its genuine mitsu... its deffinatly of either EVO I, II or III. Its a very similar thing to what they did with the later evo's and being able to use antilag with almost factory setup. Just wondering what all your thoughts on it are as i've never seen this before.