Evo Jumbuck


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man that sounds and looks the goods. def keep us updated. i saw one with a set of 17" enkei tarmac styles and a hard cover and dumped and they look mean as.

man that sounds and looks the goods. def keep us updated. i saw one with a set of 17" enkei tarmac styles and a hard cover and dumped and they look mean as.

man that sounds and looks the goods. def keep us updated. i saw one with a set of 17" enkei tarmac styles and a hard cover and dumped and they look mean as.

guys, check out the latest update http://www.tenagah.com.au/gallery/EvoJumbuck/index.html!

Ute has been on he road about 3 weeks now, Haltech E8 will be fitted and tuned next week so we'll see exactly how well this package works! So far on factory ecu I can already feel its potential thanks to its power-weight advantage!

The hardest part of this conversion was the custom rear-diff, its a shortened Hi-lux diff with LSD modified to take 3.9 ratio, disc-brakes and fit under the ute!

We've already got someone booked in for a similar upgrade to his Jumbuck, just waiting for a decent front-cut!


OFFON-4 said:
Saw this at jambo last year....really neat and looks like it was meant to be

wrong car champ :p

the blue 1 was there and is now for sale for $19000 firm

ring JJ on 0417426214 for details
Hey hisham did you replace the proton side guars with Lancer sedan guards? also did you get the side skirts custom made or did you chop and change a bought pair? In the beginning stages of eventually making my Jumbuck a GSR Jumbuck. Thanks for the help
this car jumbuck was left stock, nothing cosmetically was changed. but to fit skirts onto the jumbuck you need to lengthen them by approx 10cm and you can swap over the gaurds but you need sedan indicators and headlights and a new front bar.