EVO Turbo Specs


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Engine Rebuild Time
May 1, 2009
Evo Stock Turbo Specs
Evolution 1
p/n = 49168-01450
Turbo = TDO5H-16G-7
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 7
TD05H turbine = Inconel (steel alloy)
Compressor = Aluminium
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm

Evolution 2
p/n = 49168-01460
Turbo = TDO5H-16G-7
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 7
TD05H turbine = Inconel (steel alloy)
Compressor = Aluminium
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm

Evolution 3
p/n = 49178-01470
Turbo = TD05H-16G6-7
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 7
TD05H turbine = Inconel (steel alloy)
Compressor = Aluminium
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm
Reverse rotation turbos and twin sroll turbine housing from EVO4.
Evolution 4
p/n = 49178-01510
Turbo = TD05HR-16G6-9T
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 9
TD05HR turbine = Inconel (steel alloy)
Compressor 16G6 = Aluminium
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm
Turbine housing = twin flapper
Evolution 5
p/n = 49178-01520 (GSR)
Turbo = TD05HR-16G6-10.5T (GSR)
Turbo = TD05HRA-16G6-10.5T (RS)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 10.5
TD05HR turbine = GSR Inconel (steel alloy)
TD05HRA turbine = RS Titanium alloy
Compressor 16G6 = Aluminium
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm
Turbine housing = twin flapper
Evolution 6
p/n = 49178-01550 (GSR)
Turbo = TD05HR-16G6-10.5T (GSR)
Turbo = TD05HRA-16G6-10.5T (RS/RS2)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 10.5
TD05HR turbine = GSR - Inconel (steel alloy)
TD05HRA turbine = RS Titanium alloy
Compressor 16G6 = Aluminium
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm
Turbine housing = twin flapper
Evolution 6.5 : Tommi Makinen Edition
p/n = 49178-01560 (RS2)
Turbo = TD05RA-15GK2-10.5T (GSR)
Turbo = TD05HRA-16G6-10.5T (RS/RS2) (Note: OZ TME)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 10.5
TD05HRA turbine = Titanium alloy for both RS/RS2/GSR!
Compressor 16G6 = Aluminium
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm
Compressor 15GK2 = Aluminium
Inducer = 49.3mm
Exducer = 65mm
Turbine housing = twin flapper

Evolution 7
p/n = 49178-01570 (GSR)
p/n = 49178-01580 (RS)
Turbo = TD05HR-16G6-9.8T (GSR)
Turbo = TD05HRA-16G6-9.8T (RS/RS2)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 9.8
TD05HR turbine = GSR Inconel (steel alloy)
TD05HRA turbine = RS/RS2 = Titanium alloy
Compressor 16G6 = Aluminium
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm
Turbine housing = twin flapper

Evolution 7 GTA
Turbo = TD05-15GK2-9.0T
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 9.0
TD05 Turbine = Inconel (steel alloy)
Compressor 15GK2 = Aluminium
Inducer = 49.3mm
Exducer = 65mm
Turbine housing = twin flapper

Evolution 8
p/n = 49378-01520 (GSR)
p/n = 49378-01540 (ADM EVO8 single flapper)
Turbo = TD05HR-16G6-9.8T (GSR / USDM / ADM)
Turbo = TD05HRA-16G6-9.8T (RS/RS2 & NZDM)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 9.8
TD05HR turbine = USDM EVO 8 & JDM GSR =Inconel (steel alloy),
TD05HRA turbine = RS Titanium alloy.
Compressor 16G6 = Aluminium
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm
Turbine housing = twin flapper USDM

Evolution 8MR aka "8.5"
p/n = 49378-1560 (TD05HR-16G6-10.5T)
GSR = TD05HR-16G6-10.5T or TD05HRA-16G6-10.5T (Ti Alloy option)
RS = 6MT:TD05HRA-16G6-10.5T or 5MT:TD05HRA-16G6-9.8T
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 10.5 or 9.8 (RS-5speed)
Compressor 16G6 = Aluminium
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm
Turbine housing = single flapper
Evolution 9
p/n = 49378-01570 (GSR)
p/n = 49378-01571 (RS)
Turbo = TD05HR-16G6-10.5T (GSR)
Turbo = TD05HRA-16G6mC-10.5T (RS)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 10.5
TD05HR turbine GSR = Inconel (steel alloy),
TD05HRA turbine RS = Titanium alloy
Compressor 16G6 = Aluminium (GSR)
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm
Compressor 16G6mC = Magnesium (RS)
Inducer = 48.3mm
Exducer = 68mm
Turbine housing = single flapper
Back to "normal" rotation turbos from EVOX.
Evolution X
p/n = 49378-01610
Turbo = TD05HA-152G6-12T (GSR)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 12
TD05HA turbine = Titanium alloy
Compressor 152G6 = Aluminium
Inducer = ?
Exducer = ?
Turbine housing = single flapper
NOTE: TD05H & TD05HR & TD05HRA turbine wheel all models
Inducer = 56mm
Exducer = 49.2mm
All Evo 4-8 Turbos are twin scroll designs meaning that the engines exhaust is divided into two channels (see first pic). As the engine exhausts in pulses.. its supposed to result in quicker spooling. From the Evo 4 onwards, the Turbo spins in the opposite direction, i.e. Anticlockwise (hence the R in the turbo name). The Titanium Alumnide alloy used in the RS/RS2 and some GSRS (factory option) has less inertia and thus spins up around 500 rpm sooner. These Titanium turbos can be indentified by the A in their name.
The biggest eye opener to me was that all EVO I-III 16G's compressor wheels are the same size!!!

However, not sure what the 'G6' in TD05H-16G6-7 means on the EVO III turbo. What sets it apart from the others.. fin design?
Dean said:
I thought it was the rear housing's that were the difference between the small and big 16g?

Nope, all 070 a.k.a 7cm a.k.a .49A/R

It was 'supposed' to be the compressor wheel size that was different
And as one of the guys pointed out which I didnt notice above, is that the EVO II turbo actually has '6' stamped into it. The part number ends in '460'.
Hey guys. Finally managed to get some genuine MHI 16G/16G6 wheels to take a pic of side by side. Will also use this to kill off a couple of myths.

16G6 vs 16G.jpg

On the left we have the Evo III 16G6 and on the right we have an Evo I 16G. Both are what we would call a "Big" 16G with a 68mm exducer (Small 16G is 65mm). Comparison notes include: The narrower centre section and slightly larger inducer on the Evo III wheel (Hard to spot with the naked eye, it's closer to 49mm than 48mm on the 16G, will give an accurate number when my calipers arrive). Closer inspection with reveal the blades are slightly thinner too. I'll edit this thread with the weights of each wheel once I've had a chance to take them to work and check them on the uber accurate balances we have.

Myth 1: "Evo I/II had a "Small" 16G and Evo III had the "Big" 16G
All Evo I turbos I have pulled apart have had the wheel pictured on the right above. Also, looking at the homologation papers for the Lancer Evo notes it was homologated with the 68mm 16G. I'd hazard a guess that ALL Evo I RS's came with "Big" 16Gs and most Evo I GSRs, that's not to say there aren't some "Small" 16G Evo Is out there, but I can't say I have seen one. This wheel is also fitted to the 16G turbo on the VR-4 Evolution.
So thats one myth dealt with...

Dirk has also seen the Evo I/II 16G wheel in an Evo III turbo, and the machining of the housing lead Dirk to believe that it left the factory as such (49178-01470 and machined for the Evo I wheel). Going slightly off topic, but there are also differences in the Evo III spec exhaust housing, it's a high Ni content cast Steel rather than the cast Iron of the Evo I turbos, some Evo IIs got this housing too. This housing has better flow around the wastegate port, and the composition of the steel makes it less prone to cracking.

So to conclude, the only way to be SURE which wheel you have, is to take to cover of and measure.

- Evo IV, V and VI 16G6 wheels are pretty much reverse rotation Evo III wheels.
- Most Evo X turbos are TD05H, only a rare few came with the Ti-Al TD05HA turbine/shaft.
- The prefixes for both Evo I and II are 49178, not 49168 as listed.
Righto, had a chance to weigh them at work today, I was surprised to find there is roughly a 13g difference between a 16G and a 16G6!

16G (All Evo I): 69.37, 69.85 and 69.35. Average: 69.52. 16G6: 56.69 (Evo III), 55.61 (Evo IV) and 56.30 (Evo V). Average: 56.20. Of course there are a few variances due to different weights removed off each wheel for balancing.

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