Evoscan won't read AFR for AEM UEGO


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White Knight

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
Calling the brains trust here, although I should just pm Mio...
But I thought I would consider everyone's experience.
I have evoscan running and reading from my E6 through the OBD, no dramas. However, try as I might I have had no luck in logging AFR with it. I have checked ground, connections and even tried plugging USB in prior to opening evoscan to no avail. Grrr!!!
Also checked com port matches. Iam using AEM 30-4110 UEGO controller gauge type.
Thanking you in advance. Cheers.
RS232-USB converter from leading edge. Computer says that it is working correctly. Install all done, redone twice to make sure as well....
Com 3? OK, will try it out mate.
I had the com port on 2 and also in evoscan. Will let you know tomorrow.
BTW, its evoscan 2.9. Although I don't think that matters much.
Also try all usb ports on your laptop. Mine for some reason wouldn't work on some sometimes.
Yeah right....
Seems to be a common problem with wideband with evoscan hey. I've googled heaps before requesting help on the forum. I should have stayed with the E8 ECU and hardwired onto pin 75 or whatever it is...
I'll try different ports and (as suggested on a separate forum) plugging Tactrix cable and wb cable at same time as well. Seems odd but worked for one guy!
I will also make sure I get good voltage from the wb again.
It shoud be between com1 to com3. Nothing above that but many times computer assign different port and you have to manually change it.
I checked the advanced options of com port and changed the Flow Control to "Hardware" and is now logging AFR's well.
Thanks to all for the suggestions/ideas. Much appreciated.

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