Hey guys, just wanting to know if many of you are into the real football? (no not AFL :lol: ) and who most are going for Chelsea or Man U?
I myself am a man u fan so i rekon 3-2 man u.........
GAY, it sucked that man u lost but what was even worse was the caliber of the game. It was slow, safe and boring. I struggled to watch it. That goal was hard to call as there was no foul and the keeper did save it and the only reason it went in was from the contact with him so i think it was the right call. There was no intensional keeper contact just good play, Giggs should of kicked it better though :roll:
being an AC and Liverpool supporter, I'm going to be very divided, much like Italy V Australia, it'll be bitter-sweet either way it goes... I'll see how I feel on the night. :lol:
being an AC and Liverpool supporter, I'm going to be very divided, much like Italy V Australia, it'll be bitter-sweet either way it goes... I'll see how I feel on the night. :lol:
It's certainly not a sport you can just sit down and watch and immediately like first time around, you need to dig deep and you'll seen start to appreciate whats going on in front of you.
The entertainment value of AFL [and some may argue Rugby, but I don't see it :lol: ] is high, because it's very fast paced sport with camera angles constantly changing and lots of hard hitting; it keeps you glued to the screen and doesn't take much to get into it, background knowledge wise.
To appreciate Soccer [or football, as we like to call it] it helps to have an insight into the mind games, tactics, and the skill required to kick the ball the way those freaks do.