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May 1, 2005
Ballarat, Victoria
On saturday night i went for a drive into Ararat. This was a harmless drive to see some friends. I was in town for maybe half an hour before a cop followed me and pulled me over. I figured it was a random breatho ... no ... i was lucky enough to get a full road worthy. No my car has been defected for having blue licence plate lights ... balding tyre ... after market pedals ... and a head light out. They have given me 8 days (one day had 30 mins left :evil: ) to replace it all. I didnt speed the whole night, did nothing stupid. Made me quite angry to be sitting on the side of the road for an hour listening to people doing burn outs while the cops grilled me about hearing a non-existant turbo. The guy had no idea what he was doing. He was checking the suspension saying the high was border line. Just so everyone knows i still have standard suspenson. What a tool. Anyway thats my bitch lol

Shoulda requested a TMU come and roadworthy you. You'd probably have gotten off lighter.

PS: How are your pedals secured? Bolted through the originals or clipped over the top? Do they have rubber grip sections or just plain metal/rough metal?

Blue license plates? WTF? How did you manage this?

Tires and headlights are standard fair tho :p You asked to get raped by letting a headlight stay out.
yeah i knew about the head light ... it is getting fixed today. That was the plan all along. The tyre is still road worthy (just) lol. But the blue number plates are just the lights above them have blue leds in them. The pedals have replaces the old ones and have black grip strips and rough metal (ill get a pic today some time) ... the cop said if they had holes in them they would be fine so im gonna buy some of those cheap ones to put over the top ... lol
I know exactly how you feel, I got pulled over and canaried by an un-marked green SS one night, the homos were wearing tight leather pants which cracked me up abit, they canaried me for having a b.o.v, small steering wheel, and too low.

They had to ask me what kind of car this was, but somehow knew that the stock FMIC wasnt stock. what a bunch of idiots.
its a crack up when they roll up in a new SS.. and have their shades...gloves and leather pants on... walk up.. tap on the window and lift their sunnies... kinda like its some american texas movie...
the leather just lifts some of their ****** egos even more.... it would be fun to be cheeky
yeh they do look like they out of some American movie from the early 90s. Last time i had a run in with them, the copper almost hit another car and fell off his bike cause he acting like the smart arse after an MCCR cruise one night. Ended up giving my friend's GSR a roadworthy, didn't get him for anything that was ilegal ie too low, tinted windows, air flow meter or anything else that woul dhave been a vaild reason. He got done cause the copper told him his wheels werent alined!

Wasnt happy that night at all. Thing that pissed me off the most was we had left the MCCR cruise like 1 hour ago and we were standing in the KPC parking lot having dinner and talking and they was like 3 cars in the car park.

And the smart arse copper was rambling off rules and blah blah
" According to rule 47 A you may not display your number plate anywhere other then where they are meant to be"

and then to top it all off after he gave my friend the fine he tried to give my friend advice and how to get better performance out of the turbo

What a knob, they need a kick up the arse