facelift front bar onto aspec VR4


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brettu26 said:
Hi guys, did the front bar swap a while back and re-wired the corners no worries

got a question re: wiring in prefacelift fogs into a-spec

how do i push out the wires from the a-spec loom clips? i got the j-spec wires out of their clips no worries as with corners above.
but i cant see into the connector to flick (i assume) the little tab in there. getting real frustrated!!!:fuuuuu: as i dont want to bust, the clip or tabs. any pearls of wisdom?

im just trying to go for the tidy, factory look-_-

also, i noticed my inner headlight is all wired up & plugged in with bulb etc but they no go. i thought on aspec vr4's they werent used only GGSR? since im running amber corners i have no parkers, thought i could also use the stock stuff?

ta guys

I'm not really sure what you're asking there mate but I'll give it a shot.

I had an A-Spec, converted the front end to facelift J-Spec. (Bar, fenders, headlights, foglights, side indicators) -> needed to be manually rewired.
Problem is, it was so long ago I can't really remember.

I think I used the parker light wire which goes to the corners on an A-Spec to run the fender lights and the parkers inside the headlight.
The wire for the side indicator was already there on the plug, you just have to pull it out (which I think you have already done).

Regarding foglights, A-Spec had one set of projectors whereas facelift J-Spec had projectors and inner driving lights. I can't remember, but I don't think you can fiddle the plugs and get away with this, you have to cut and reconnect. Obviously you need piggy tails for the J-Spec foglights...or suitable crimp connectors etc
I set my lights up such that the projectors turned on with the parkers and the inner driving lights were activated by the cabin switch. I'm pretty sure that's not how it was for the J-Specs from factory but thats how I wanted it.

I don't think I've really answered your question lol. PM me if you need more help. :)
im not sure either lol.

I have orange corners (ggsr) as indicators, using the aspec front bar indicator wiring re-routed. i pushed the pins out & reconnected, sweet as.

I have put in prefacelift foglights and used the aspec connectors again, pushing out the wires and swapping them over.
Easy. :)

So i have the aspec corner parklight/indicator redundant (this is only a small wedge bulb)
i am thinking of re-routing that into the inner headlight, but it will be a boogy-as job!

the headlights in my car have the inner bulbs and wiring etc all there & plugged in - maybe i'll take some pics to show.
MDK87 said:
I just done all this!! :)

I even swapped the front fenders so I could have those little green J-Spec dooby lights (I love those - does anyone have any spare, mine are rusty :p).

All of my lights are working sweet. Just gotta add another cct for the inside foglights (not the projector one) of the J-Spec foggies as A-Spec's only have one foglight.

Have you got all the pigtails/connectors? You will need those, it will make things alot easier. If you need some help give us a buzz. PM sent.