Fast Mitsubishis At Calder.. 12.05 VR4 and 12.05 Evo


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tUfRiCe said:
ahh that dude who built that vr4 talks sooo much **** he was gettiin so annoyying crapping on abaout breaking records an it a ran a 12 flat with a guy who cant drive blah blah its shpuld be goin faster than it is with the money that has been spent on it

Quoted for truth. Did you see his shenanigans over at Made a thread soley for the purpose of saying that he was the real deal and shouldn't be taken lightly.
wow my vr4 ran a 15??? that's pretty poor...

did he only do one run or did you only see one run?

must have either been his first drag with an awd or the car was heat soaked something fierce...

i would have expected maybe low 14s with bpu mods
OFFON-4 said:
LoL Sure CluTz.....

And im running a t28 on my car with full interior LoL 8)

why would i lie?

having an extra seat probably would have helped with traction off the line, so it probably made me go faster if I had it in!!!

but this isnt about me, its about you- when the hell is your car going to be finished!!!!

you'd better hope that the borg' isnt finshed before your car!!!

Noone has faith in me...It will be done maybe not now...maybe not 6 months.

But hopefully when its done you will be able to say man it was worth the wait.

$10 bux on DRE lol :D
i dont go on princess anymore as i work nights'

12.9 was ran buy the old owner and ime slip is somewhere at home il look for it. as for mods all ive got is a cooler and a turbo back and a hks mushroom
i agree they are homo in stock trim with exhaust man i was smokin those wen my car was running 13.8's hahaha 12.9 why are we talking aboput neee saaan's on OUR 4G club haha
GTR i would understand....
S15 couldnt win a race in standard trim if he was the only one racing :twisted: