First V3Lite upgrade (free!)


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ECMTuning, Inc.
Aug 9, 2009
Frederick, MD - USA
When we released V3Lite for the early EVOs, people seemed generally happy with the feature set. When we released lite for the DSMs, they screamed about not having the simplified RPM-based fuel and timing tables and about the missing auto-MAF-adjust tool. So we've ported those over to lite and the EVO guys get the same benefits.

So if you'd like to make quick easy changes to timing and fuel based on a simple RPM curve instead of having to tune a whole load-based table, you can now. You can also still use the full RPM/load tables too.

When changing fuel using the RPM-based curve, note that the adjustments are auto-scaled for you based on load by the ECU. So you basically just tune fuel for full throttle and the ECU will automatically scale that back as needed for idle and cruise. This page has more details on how that works.

3.20.107 (03/16/2010)

  • Extended V3Lite functionality to include RPM-based fuel and timing tabs as well as the MAFComp tab required to use our automated MAF adjustment tool.

NOTE: You MUST upgrade your laptop software BEFORE you upgrade your firmware. Otherwise the old laptop software may not even connect to your new ECU. To update your laptop software, visit our downloads page.

Details on what we've included in this release can be found on our changelog below.

V3Lite Firmware Changelog

You can get instructions on how to check your current firmware version here:

V3 Firmware Upgrade Instructions

Thomas Dorris
ECMTuning, Inc.