Flare guards GSR


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I believe the above is "incorrect" I have spoken ro numerous members that believe u have directly targeted them under ur own opinion. Am I the only one that thinks this behaviour is un-acceptable?
evo-gsr said:
You forgot old in that sentence......^
that is just your opinion...who said you can have an opinion. have you been granted privileges ?

Oh and btw,,,,I might one day have to used a walker but from what Ive seen **** they comes in handy as a gun rest
Since when does a rookie insue the power power to dictate personal members....? I know of a finger click members who have a far more experienced opinion, yet are receiving msgs, cautioning otherwise
Too much anger, must relieve myself




Something about smoking pot on a tuesday night got the hammer waved my way.....
but, there are rules. They are pretty clear although not really enforced here. But rules are rules, and we empower the mods to enforce them.
They cover asinine, pointless and off topic posts. Obviously im one of several offenders, though in my defence i like to think i balance it a bit with info for the newer folks.

Rules are here:
I'm not such a fan of the bubble flares myself. Each time I see pics of his car, I am liking what Nick did to his E3 a little more. It took me a while to warm up to it but now I really like it.