FS: DrivenPerformance S.S. Dump pipe w/ screamer :)


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A little too loud? it's a screamer pipe of course it's going to be loud. If your worried don't buy it
yes i know its gona be loud, im asking can it be modded to be a lil quieter?

im temped alot too, specially if it doesnt work when the car is reved when stationary??
i guess you could flange it and make it optional plumb-back - but fuck that! haha its not called a screamer pipe for nothing.
still hangin for payday...
Great for NZers with their little or non existent emissions laws same category as external venting Bov just harder to disguise from the popo
I wouldn't recommend modifying this dump to make it 'quieter'. Just get an internally recirculating dump if you're worried about noise!
FunkyG said:
ive had one of these in my vr4 for nearly 3 years
all i have to say is MEAN AS

:eek: :thumbsup:

its sounds sweet , and you always get me when we drive together .... lol :lol:
hi mate, still waiting on funds to clear, please PM your acc details and i'll get onto it asap.
whereabouts is pickup avail from?
ta, Brett
every time someone new comes for a ride they freak out and wonder how i get away with it but to me im use to it i want it louder lol