fuel pump and FPR


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Passion Fingers
Apr 4, 2005
Gold Coast
hey guys

just after a bit of feedback on what fuel pumps and pressure regulators you use and what you reccomend, i'm looking at a malpassi rising rate adjustable pressure regulator (1:7) and a walbro 255 fuel pump (if someone can give me the part number for this one).

cheers guys
if your running a stock ecu you'll need a 1:1 rising rate reg or your fueling will be all up-the-****.

If I recal correctly it's a GSS341 walbro your after (though, it's a while since I bought mine so it could be GSS342....
chip wont help unless its tuned for the malpassi. you need a 1:1

just get a sard fpr, really good product, really reasonably priced.

malpassi look ugly too :p
get some fittings off the rail to suit..

you may need to fab one up or get one off the shelf..

dont get a malpassi, i've only heard bad things about them..

i've only ever owned one, but upgraded to the aeromotive due to fitting sizes... the malpassi's are very small in comparison to the aeromotive..

what did you want to spend?

as for fuel pump..
what power are you after?
well i have the evo3 big16g and 610cc injectors and this is my air intake setup, it has forged pistons and standard top end, so really as much as that will allow, i guess around 240kw would not be out of the question, as far as money is concerned, i wanna get out of it as cheaply as possible
go for the walbro 255 hp and the sard then...

aeromotives go for like 350+
malpassi's are cheap, around 150ish
sards i guess are in between..

dont forget to upgrade your fuel filter and the line from the fuel filter to the rail (rail adaptor also)

you could modify your stock fpr and weld a hose fitting onto it which would then connect to your fpr...

or you could get off the shelf fuel rail adaptors with a screw on fitting. In this case you could get the bolt on fitting, purchase an earl / speed flow 90 degree push on fitting...

as for filter, you could get the bosch filter, model (dont have it here).. you will need fittings to get them onto the existing hard fuel line comming from the tank though..

a good $600.00 will cover it in my opinion with little change in your pocket!
There are a 2 main reasons.

1. The main issue with the standard fuel filter / line is that they use the extremely restrictive banjo bolt fitting on the top of the filter...


There are only 2 holes i believe in the banjo bolt itself, the holes usually only a few mm in diametre...

2. The fuel filter itself is also a low flowing filter. 2LPM if i recall correctly.

The Bosch filter that I use are used also in the V8 supercars, and surprisingly are very cheap. Only about 40 dollars or so. Both ends are -10 minimum, could be -8. But for the stock fuel lines, its something like -4 i think

I believe the steel fuel line and the fuel filter to fuel rail line is 3/16" ID.
if you upgrade to -6, it has an internal diametre of 5/16".

there is a link somewhere in VFAQ that explains everything in depth

Its all fresh in my mind because i recently had to upgrade my fuel system.
factory FPR is 1:1 i know of about 4 people using a factory mitsubishi fpr to make over 250kw mark... ill b keeping my factory fpr on my car :p

What's wrong with the malpassi? I've heard good things about them from mates who have used them for blown V8 applications. Anything in particular with how they perform or do they just not look pretty enough?
they're the wrong ratio, also two of my mates have had them and the all leaked after about 2 years.

there is way better stuff out there than old school malpassi's now that are even cheaper.

i managed to pick up a sard regulator fairly cheaply, now just need to get a fuel pump and all the relevant lines...