Fuel pump issue, again


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BMGTZ said:
I have issues...but I take lots of pills so others may live. Jack I have never had a pump/ reg hold pressure for week.

this based on your suspicions of pump,battery and alternator
charge battery. check volts across terminals before attempted start say 12.5 volts with fresh charge..... hard wire pump..start engine...engine wont run and cant hear the pump? fuel pump suspect {yes it happens with new pumps too} ive had them die within hours
engine runs....
check when running....look at 13.5 to 14.5 for healthy battery and alternator. IF the volts dont change prerunning of engine. Alternator/ voltage reg is suspect.

if this doesnt solve issue...buy bourbon and get as pissed as I am while writing this ****
Funny as! The first and last lines did me over!
That will explain your lack of fuel pressure and your ****** battery. I've seen that from a fuel pump pushing against a closed head. Once you have it replaced, check you are getting fuel past your FPR.
Looks as if the brushes over heated, judging by where it's melted, the battery turned out to be fine, charged it up and had it tested the other week. I'm probly just gonna buy a walbro from my local autopro so I'll get back to you next week end as to whether the fpr is working as you say geo.

damn thats alot of heat if it's melted lucky the stocihometry in the tank isn't so hospitible to ignition or it could have gone BOOM
my bad spelt it wrong
you know like stoich aka 14.7:1 for petrol the ratio of fuel to air. if there is too much fuel = no bang to much air no bang mixture just right bang. generally in a fuel tank even one that almost empty the stoichiometric ratio isn't favorable to allowing combustion

forgive me the i was in the wrong place
Years ago when the cab drivers all had V8 VN commodores on gas.Occasionally one would run out of gas and switch to petrol after months of being on gas....results of explosions caused by siezed lift pumps were spectacular!

IAN91....you should by a lotto ticket!
It was pretty scary when I pulled the cradle out and it looked like that, I understand what George said about the fpr being a possible issue but I'm not sure it will be the case as I was able to adjust it to standard pressure and my afr's weren't that far out.

If the fpr turns out ok where else should I be looking? Perhaps the pump was seeing too much voltage, since it's run off 8 gauge and the battery is only 40cm away?
Wont be too much voltage. They test them at 18v.
Blocked filter.
would be interesting to seeif your pump pressure is heaps higher than your rail pressure. That would load up your pump. It maybe a bad flex line from tank or to the filter.
you should be able to pick it on the current draw of the pump, if its working too hard to keep the pressure up, then there is a blockage its fighting against.

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