Fuel pump rewire review


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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2005
Ok so i finally bit the bullet and got busy rewiring the fuel pump. I had been having all sorts of wierd knock issues - some of which were just unexplainable (like how can i possible be getting knock while coasting :shock: )

Any hooo... I got my fuel filter replaced just last week and this alone SOLVED halve my knock. If anyone else is having problems with knock maybe try replacing the fuel filter first.

Reviewing the vfaq sites I have come to the conclusion that they are next to useless if you are a beginner like myself. Comments like "you decide the wiring path" were definitely not helpful and wasted a couple of hours.

Here are my findings:

1. I used 8 gauge wire which on reflection was very much overkill but did help alot when feeding wires under carpets cause it was stiffer. It may also be good if you ever want power in the boot (eg amp/speakers/carputer etc)

2. I ran my wire along the passenger side of the car as that is where the most accessible 'through the firewall' hole is. (just under the windscreen water tank)

3. Do as much as you can without hooking up the positive lead to the battery and without cutting the fuel pump wire.

4. Figure out how you will be connecting the 8 gauge to the relay. (This for me was a slightly crushed 8 gauge spade terminal.)

5. When you do cut your fuel pump wire make the terminals you put on either side connectable. (ie one male and the other female) so you can quickly put it all back to stock should something go wrong.

6. Dont solder the connections to your relay. Relays can die and it is nice to be able to replace them without desoldering everything.

7. Tape around all the terminals that will be plugging onto your relay. Then when they are all connected, tape around the lot. This makes a nice plug.

8. Because I like the stock look I black taped the lead in the engine bay. This also helps reduce movement and protects (a bit) from heat. Also be sure to cable tie everything down.

9. Buy one of those screw top 'in-line' fuse holders from jaycar. Take it apart and you will see a flat topped terminal on the longer side. Rip this off can plug your 8 gauge into it and recrimp. Best to solder this bit after crimping.

10. Buy a 8 gauge ring style terminator and bend it at 90 degrees. Solder this in to the 'other' end of the fuse holder. This will sit perfectly under the battery bolt. (it will make sense when you see it)

Hope this is useful. btw: all mistakes and trips to jaycar/dicksmith/jb etc cost me about $50 bucks :) and about 10 hours worth of time. :evil:

Having said that, it now drives predictably - ie knock is absent unless you get around the 90% + inj duty cycle range.

No more phantom knock.

Thanks baz.

But wouldn't battery in boot still require running an even larger gauge (4 or 2?) though to the engine bay? not to mention still having to do all the work for the wiring of the relay?
i am about to do this, i have the luxury, i already had 2 gauge running to the back of the car, so i shortened it, ran a fused distribution box and ran 8 gauge from the d/box to the amps and pump (to come) i will also be replacin the fuel filter when i do this, shouldn't take very long, a couple of hours at most, cheers for the write up
GVR40 said:
i am about to do this, i have the luxury, i already had 2 gauge running to the back of the car, so i shortened it, ran a fused distribution box and ran 8 gauge from the d/box to the amps and pump (to come) i will also be replacin the fuel filter when i do this, shouldn't take very long, a couple of hours at most, cheers for the write up

Where did you find a fused ditribution block?
Vertex - just a quick note - you can buy 4/5 pin plugs which are designed to fit straight onto the bottom of relays from jaycar. Makes a perfect plug :wink: Looks nice n tidy too

See the top centre of this photo
Yeah, saw those in jaycar...... my dream was to have 8 gauge all the way. This was pretty stupid when you see the size of the power lead to the fuel pump. (20 gauge??)

Anyways, just as a side note. I noticed my fuel low light comes on just dimly now all the time. Its possible this is a by product of the higher voltage.

On a sadder note, i managed to blow my hydrolic tensioner off the car on Sunday. Turns out that being able to go upto 7k rpm without knock killing the timing (and power) meant the hydrolic tensioner was the next weakest link. Bugger. I am getting it repaired now with new everything for about $500 bucks :( :x :evil:
yeah you would have to run a bigger cable to the engine
but the point of moving the batt is not for the fuel pump only but also for more room in the bay

remember, from the wire that sticks out of the fuel pump cover is another wire going to the fuel pump

so its probably easier to go the same sized wire as the one that goes from the pump to the pump cover or slightly larger

thats what i believe anyway
6 gauge is a waste...
fused distribution box was from jaycar, takes the same 3ag fuses that normal car stereo uses, and it made it a **** load easier to wire up the 3 amps i've got running my stereo
Damn it !
Back to square one.

I thought i had this problem wrapped up but something else must be wrong. Its still knocking now and sometimes worse than before in that its completely variable.

I was coming up to a turn at part throttle (around 2.5 k rpm) 7% inj cycle and the knock sensor was going bananas... 42-43 knock count.

But its weird, driving to and from work i get nothing... _nothing_ at all.

My newest theory is that the intercooler is crap and is just heating up the air on its way through (although today was wet - shouldn't that have corrected a crappy intercooler?)

When i first asked about this problem i was told to do a leak down test and a fuel pump rewire.... is there anything else i should do?

And just a bit of background:
i always run 98 octane.
i have a fully removed lower honeycomb,
K&R filter,
ball&spring type boost controller on the very lowest setting
Phantom knock.

Replace the knock sensor.


You have noisy lifters


You have a noisy valvetrain


Something else is clanking and the sensor is picking it as knock.
Knock sensors are a a bit of a waste of time - can you hear it pinging?

If you can't hear it audibly pinging then its most likely mechanical noise.

My knock sensor shows anwhere up to 100 when driving through the rev range but only about 25-30 when i can hear it pinging...

Also - what boost are you running... much more than about 11-12psi the VR4 engine will ping coming on boost with stock ecu.. It will drive through it but still not good.

Just the way its mapped.

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