gauges to get.... egt gauge?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
After som input on what gauges to get, i have room for 4.
Already have boost and afr, so the other two i was going to get oil pressure and oil temp.

Wondering if i need oil temp on a j-spec vr4 as we run oil cooler anyway. Thinking my might go something different than oil temp. The car is a street car i don't track it, will only do the skid pan day in the future. So oil temp shouldn't be a problem.

Whats peoples opinion on a pyrometer / egt gauge?
From what i can gather they were used more for tuning when wide band afr kits weren't widely available.
There's stacks of people on the ecm link forums selling them new and getting a wideband.

Apprently they still can be good to show up knock or injectors playing up? I didi read a few posts on the us sites of people tuning with a widband and then a pyropmeter installed and their egts were quite high.

Ill be road tuning my car with the afr gauge and watching knock from stock sensor on the logging software.
If you have an AFR then you dont really need the EGT.

There would be more value in fuel pressure or oil temp.

Why dont you get a volt gauge :lol:
^^ lol.
I'm going through this at the moment. I think I'm gonna settle on just oil temp and oil pressure. My figuring is this; My AVCR has a good boost gauge in it, our engines (Vr4 and Evo) both have knock sensors and will retard the timing as soon as knock is detected, EGT...well I see no real need for that unless your doing your own tuning as another factory sensor will pick up a fault casuing high temps before your aftermarket EGT sensor does.
Well i already have boost and afr, wondering what else to get. Its not to look pretty its coz i will be tuning myself and i want to avoid killing the motor.

thinking oil pressure and......... one more.

Have a fuel pressure gauge on the fuel pressure reg, but that just to set it. Doesn't detect problems.

Can get up to another two in the space i have.
You don't really need an EGT if you have a good wideband o2.

EGT's would only be worthwhile IF you had one in each cylinder as they are cheaper than widebands in each cylinder. You'd aim to get all the cylinders at the same temp by trimming injectors ie, add more fuel in one cylinder because that cylinder is running leaner than the rest. This would allow you to run more timing because that cylinder would no longer be the limiting factor of your other cylinders.

I'd Just stick with the basic
oil pres
fuel pres

and you should be good

you could get oil temp / water temp to be extreme. Depends on your budget and requirements.
EGT is quite handy for tuning, as you can have a very rich AFR and lots of timing to still not knock but also run high EGT.

high EGT isnt the best as then the whole engine runs hotter and the additional heat needs to be evacuated via the cooling system (radiator, vents etc);

well all know keeping an engine cool (to a point) breeds power.

same goes for lean mixtures, that doesnt nessercerly mean high EGT (which is an indication of cylinder temp).

using a properly setup EGT (each cyl) combined with proper tuning (WB02 inc) you can tune closer to the edge than just using WB02.

agreeing with baz, there would not be much point in one, four (logging) would be the go as then its easier to do individual cylinder correction.

there are deffintaly merits into having a EGT gauge, but in you situation, oil pressure and temp would be my next purchase.