gearbox no 1,3,5 gears


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drove the car to work and back today, it was like driving with a locked centre diff. the front wheels were screetching every bump and at least one wheel in the rear was doin the same every bump and corner.
i presums the internal diff in the gsr box must be slightly different to the vr4 diff/transfer.. mebbe it has been rebuilt and isnt what it should be.. honestly i have no idea other than that but it would explain the symptoms
i have been trying to find out what car this gearbox came from. still dont know the code dosent belong to any car ive looked up. from what ive gathered it actually is an lsd gearbox (i had no idea).s however it does say it is a 3.45 box. which means it has to be the rear diff of transfercase right?
Put the whole car up on jack stands, all wheels off the ground.
Put a chalk mark in the same place on all tyres. Hand brake off.
Put the car in neutral and turn the drive shaft from underneath through 3.5 revolutions. All chalk marks should have done 1 revolution.
Turn the drive shaft another 20 or so times and make sure all the marks are still lining up.
You won't notice a locked centre that much unless you are doing very slow tight corners.

Robs suggestion makes alot of sense!
I did a massive code study a few months ago and drilled down on some missing information from some lists out there.

'N' denotes the final drive ratio of the gearbox which is 3.867 (divide by 1.090 transfer ratio = 3.545 rear diff ratio)

'Q' I discovered when comparing codes actually related a lot to the Galant EVO and EVO I gearbox. EVO I which we know has the tall ratio 1st/2nd gears in it with the corresponding input shaft. It also has the extra mount holes on top of gearbox, big hub 3rd/4th gear arrangement with tripple hole thick alloy shift fork and a different reverse gear bracket to clear the 1st gear.

'W' denotes a viscous LSD transmission. You will find it in GSR edition EVO I-III's and also in the NRWE transmission found in the GSR 1.8 AWD Lancer turbo which basically has same internals as an EVO I box (with double synchro 2nd gear, large hub 3rd/4th gear assembly etc, but it uses GSR gear ratios)

'E' denotes it came from basically the "CC" Lancer family. Basically early EVO's, Lancer & Mirage.

What I think it may be? Perhaps a CC AWD Mirage VIE Saloon/Asti/Cyborg or Libero box to narrow it down lol :)
thanx, took the car to work and back today and uncool.... the wheels chirp even in straight lines. it only gets worse around corners. something is very wrong.the car also slows quickly just throught the drive train. it is like ive got a welded center with mismatch diffs at the same time. not sure were to start. i will try that trick with jacking the car up and marking up the wheels.
It's probably a broken centre diff - when the bits fall in just the right way they can lock up pretty solidly.
Centre diff failure was likely caused by mis-matched ratio's.
i have noticed that above 50kmph my rear wheels twitch and any higher it is downright dangerous. is it possible my 4ws is acting up and this has been causing all my dramas. (i swapped transfercases and problem not rectified).
If your wheels are binding and chriping then no it won't be 4ws. Easy way to tell though is just disconnect the rear rack ends from the control arm and take it for a drive.