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I'm definitely in! it'll give me a chance to test out my engine... or just another excuse to. I'll try to bring some mates if they can stop trying tokyo drift stunts for long enough
I'll come on the cruise as my girlfreind has started study again and wants me out of the house anyway! Just a quick question, have you planned a set route? if so, after going on a cruize with my mate in a skyline club, it was very hard to keep as a group coz the map directions were **** could a Melway ref of all turns etc be included for easier navigation, also as I have not been out with you guys before is this going to be just us? as in Lancers only or will there be as was the case of the skyline cruize morons in commodores? hope this goes ahead and I'm looking forward to coming and meeting some new people
ther is no set why but we will be going up some good twisty roads.
and as for the duny doors ther want be eny unless some mates of a member come along witch is cool or a scoobydoos
but if some one wants to put up a map it would be good.
i just cant wait to see you all :D
87vr4 wrote:
Id be there but i got ******* DUTY!! I ******* hate the navy! making us poor RAAF personell put up with their ********!

i'll definatly be at the next cruise tho, assuming i dont score another weekend duty then as well

have fun anyway guys

Dude just ask somebody to swap with you
Works all the time

the paperwork involved is insain! none of the reject keliks & po's have anything to do so with their time, so to appear busy theyv created a monsterious system of tedious paperwork matched only in magnitude by their sheer incompetence!

but anyway I may be able to some now as my roster changes as of next weeks so i hopefully will start the new roster on a dif day!
andy gray said:
Hi all as it says up top me, Jeff, greengsr are going for a drive on Saturday night July the 15th.

Location Lake Mountain now I no it could be wet or cold don?t care just need to drive and have some good fun with the club.

So who else is in?

Meeting up in bunnings car park in Chernside Park.
At 8:00pm and leave about 8:30 or 9 pm for the late comers.

So who?s up for it?
I will send the Melbourne boys emails again I had a great turn out last time at the drive inns thanks boys it mad me feel good.
And with what?s being going on I think we all need to blow of some steam.
And its my b'day that week on the thursday **** 29 all ready :eek:

Regards Andy

1) Me
2) Jeff
3) Greengsr
4) Gli 747
5) Rusty vr4 he's a mate of mine
6) Stanly Grewal
7) Lukie
8 crossover
9) smokes
10) Vortex
11) ozeclipse
12) Richard
13) Skuz

so thats 13 eny more guys come on lets get in to it :D
andy gray said:
Hi all as it says up top me, Jeff, greengsr are going for a drive on Saturday night July the 15th.

Location Lake Mountain now I no it could be wet or cold don?t care just need to drive and have some good fun with the club.

So who else is in?

Meeting up in bunnings car park in Chernside Park.
At 8:00pm and leave about 8:30 or 9 pm for the late comers.

So who?s up for it?
I will send the Melbourne boys emails again I had a great turn out last time at the drive inns thanks boys it mad me feel good.
And with what?s being going on I think we all need to blow of some steam.
And its my b'day that week on the thursday **** 29 all ready :eek:

Regards Andy

1) Me
2) Jeff
3) Greengsr
4) Gli 747
5) Rusty vr4 he's a mate of mine
6) Stanly Grewal
7) Lukie
8 crossover
9) smokes
10) Vortex
11) ozeclipse
12) Richard
13) Skuz
14) Sylent Nyte

thats 14 who else