Good reasonably priced respray


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ok now its starting to make sense i guess.

ill have to ring around a bit and compare prices/reps and see on average what im up for in melbourne.

might be up for a bit more than suspected, but i want it done properly so i may as well pay good money for it.

in the mean time ill wait to hear back from kaotik also.

i appreciate everyones input :)
Looks like us NSW boys are better to go south of the border to get our cars painted because your prices are cheap compared to what shops & backyarders charge up this way :blink:
Backyarders usually paint for about $1500 minimum to $3000.
Guys who work in shops during the week and do side jobs on weekends charge anything from $3000-$4500.
Shops here rarely charge under $6000!!! (full respray including door jams but not engine bay).

Glad I've spent the last year learning how to paint then... save myself a small fortune :D but I can appreciate how hard the prep work is, and how tedious painting is. Hire a booth and DIY ftw.
I paid 1k for mine inside and out. Was done in a garage set up as a booth, wet mats, ventilation, heating, the whole she-bang. Come up gr8! Only one tiny stuff just under the back window. But in saying this i did strip and build a motor for him. Point is, some1 should be able to sort u out. And ive seen some impressive backyarders too.
My neibour got his engine bay done by a mate for $800 includin paint. But he had to sand and prep it himself. They were going to charge him another $800 for the rest of the car. But they were pros doing a mates on the weekend
In my opinion it was a really good job. Just had a few dust marks which buffed out. They tarped the whole garage so wasnt much dust extraction.
Oh, also backyarders would keep the windscreens in and mask them up around the rubber seals. Shops would usually remove the screens so there's some extra $$ charged there, unless the customer specifically requested they stay in and didnt want the extra cost.
Im all for Lachy getting a good price for a respray - I just wish people around here followed suit and charged less $$$ :lol:
At the end of the day 'quality' is in the eye of the beholder. If you get a bargain respray then we're all chuffed for ya mate B)
Like Evo-OOX said. It's all in what u want the final job done like. What Finnish (oven or not dry) what painted (while lot, doors closed, interior/windows out) it all ends up being quality of how long the paint will last. Where u will get chips and flaking ect. U can always do it yourself. Just spend a few moths practising aswell.

Is it really worth it for a slightly different shade. Maybe look into completing all ur body mods till ur happy before a respray aswell
Im not after the best of the best but I would like it looking decent :)

I'll let you guys know how I go with it, once again thanks for all the advice/help given.
I will do it in the pressure pack colour of your choice for only $1k, It will only take me a day too B)
Had mine resprayed last year and had a new roof put on he quoted 4g but ended up costing 6g but he did the door handles, mirrors, inside the boot, the calipers and inner guards
now i thought that was cheap as the job is great he sanded it right back to the original white paint too. Oh also fitted a new windscreen and sill rubbers.

Now on the other hand the first quote i got was a minimum 10g just to fit a new roof and give it a respray they also told me the better finish i want the more i have to pay. I really couldnt believe this quote as my car has a carbon boot and bonnet though the car needed alot of prep work due to the previous respray had paint cracking all over the place.

In conclusion i went with the cheaper quote but inspected the job half way though to make sure they wernt doin the dodgy with the prep work. Im more than happy with the end result no orange peal or runs at all the car is still as it is off the gun and still hasnt had a buff yet.

anyway choose your painter carefully have seen numerous dodgy jobs around from painters just rubbing back with scotch bright will look good for a few months but will eventually peal.

in saying this if you have the room and the time do it yourself years ago i did my vl just prepped and primed it at home and hired a booth to spray it the paint job is still in perfect condition except for a couple of stone chips. Only reason i never painted my evo was cause i dont have the time its only been driven twice since it was painted last year :(
In conclusion i went with the cheaper quote but inspected the job half way though to make sure they wernt doin the dodgy with the prep work. Im more than happy with the end result no orange peal or runs at all the car is still as it is off the gun and still hasnt had a buff yet.

Not having a go or anything, but I've seen alot of people not even recognise peel; and to get a mirror finish without buffing (even with 2k), you'd likely be flow coating it. Acrylic will peel alot more than 2k off the gun, unless it's a metallic, and should always be buffed.

2k is an off the gun finish, and shouldn't need a buff. Should be reasonably flat, but there is always an element of peel to it. I am one picky bastard with paint... Basically if you paint consistently, the peel will be uniform, so the panel will look best. You can get it pretty damn glossy and mirror-finish off the gun with 2k :) ...just not show car dead flat mirror finish...
hey guys,

if you need a local panel shop (dandenong) that does full closed door resprays (same colour)... for the $1500 mark.... pm me and i'll give you the details.

the shop is an actual RACV Recommend Repairer, thereofre you know that the work's gonna be good.
