Group Buy: Mitsubishi weighted leather gear knobs - CLOSED


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:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah another good reason for getting a gearknob with the H-pattern on top of it.
The Police say that there must be an immediate indicator stating the shift pattern of the transmission so that anyone can operate the vehicle correctly in the event of an accident and/or whilst the vehicle is being serviced etc
Immediate as in on the gearknob itself or on a sticker stuck within the immediate vacinity or base of the shifter.
It sounds silly by today's standards but its understandable I guess. [edit - will have to look into it further as its been overlooked as a mod during discussions with RTA reps]
Someone should put stickers in Excels stating that you need to have your foot on the clutch to start the engine, or in Toyota Aurion's stating that there is a fkn footbrake and not a handbrake!! :lol: The cars wont move without knowing those little things either! :lol:
You should receive your gearknobs in the mail within the next 2 to 3 working days.
PM'ing you all a copy of your Australia Post tracking number to keep tabs on where it is and when to expect it :)
LOL at Khubner
It was a Member of the QPS hahah not a 4Gtuner member in the QPS or was it.....?

yea $100 for having a aftermarket steering wheel fitted with no centre padding.
$100 for no H pattern sticker.
He said you're goin to Court!

I said wouldn't it be better if i Saved the money from the fine and went out tomorrow and bought a new safer steering wheel and knob.
he said make sure you do and i did
i bought a $25 rubber pad that slips over the steering wheel centre spokes, and a $7 sticker of a 5 SPD H pattern.

But want awesome GSR knob now.
so you didn't get booked?. if so lucky basterd i got done on my first outing to the northside for my 6 blue leds in my headlights told them i could fix it then and there still coped the $100 fine. perfect history up until then!
just want to clarify it is not a legal requirement anywhere in australia to display the shift pattern of the car. however all steering wheels fitted to cars built after 1986 must have a padded centre.
Is there proof stating you don't have to show H pattern? I've heard this must be shown more then once before from people fined for this?
Without getitng too much into it and spoiling this Group Buy thread, in regards to the H-pattern on gearknobs:

Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 42/-- General Safety Requirements) 2006
Section 42.5 CONTROLS.... have a full read of that 'entire' section.
All parts under 42.5.2 are only in regard to automatic transmissons or steering column mounted transmisson levers.

The police can still defect you for having a non-standard modified gearknob fitted if they wanted to. I know it sucks, but to them they'll slap a sticker on your car stating that its an illegal modification. You take time off to clear the defect and pay a fine of $40 or whatever. Best thing to do in the meantime is to have a shift pattern either on the gearknob or on a sticker or plate located as close to the gear stick lever as possible to avoid a defect.

Im actually glad you guys mentioned it because its been something overlooked that needs clarification. Until such time we have the next meeting to put forward some feedback to the RTA in response to the new NCOP VSB14, we will need to live with the police interpretation to deter a defect, but only until we can get it written in black and white into ADR 42. Sometimes advising the authority about an omission can be a double edged sword because the main aim of the ADR, in the case of transmissions, is to prevent vehicle movement when starting the ignition. As we all know, if a manual transmisson is in gear when you kick over the ignition the car moves, especially if you have already released the handbrake. Still, its best to get it written in black and white to clarify it once and for all for everybody. Thanks for the discussion, its definitely going to be raised and hopefully answered :)
Another reason is if the vehicle needs to be driven by anyone, they need to know the gear controls, as vehicles/commercial vehicles have various patterns
Sorry to jump in without introducing myself, but someone brought this up on auslancer and it caught my attention. Thought I should jump in for shipment D while I can?