GSR diffs - LSD options


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JETGSR said:
flying over on the 13th sept and returning 1st Oct

i'll be every where in the south Island.

I wouder how much freight is? bringing back as hand luggage would be difficult. They would probably think is was a bomb!

Opps there you go ASIO the red flags have gone up, They'll be knocking on my do tomorrow.


Just dont throw a stopwatch and a handful of wires in the same bag!
Jet I spent 4 weeks traveling around the south island in hire car and stopped at every single wrecker i could find in the yellow pages and I found one completely written off newer style Galant VR4 and one Libero I probably went to around 20 or so.

The south definitely not the place to find parts to bring back you may be better off finding what you need in the Nth Island and get it shipped to you in the south if your definitely not going there.
Liberoz said:
Good luck finding one in the south island. Its the same as saying your going to Tasmania to find some evo front cuts. Your better off in the north where 95% of all the imports are.

You're on the piss right?

Christchurch has one of the biggest "Boyracer" scenes in the country...
one of the biggest "Boyracer" scenes in the country

Boy racer scene as you put it does not translate in any way shape or form into parts on the shelf's at wreaking yards in The south Island 95% of my mates that are Mitsu heads in the south island all buy from the north.

Maybe you were on the pi$$ :lol:
most wreckers couldn't tell an lsd diff from a dsl modem :roll: they tend to deal in parts for common cheap boring cars (like camry's).

specialist wreckers that deal in performance parts are far less common here than they are in aussie.

look on the aforementioned forums, and trademe and buy privately - it's far cheaper, and your more likely to find what you want.