gsr spotting in thomo


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lol ..

Cause i was reading how he was saying that the boost gauge was not hooked up, but could not see anywhere where it said it had a turbo .. lol ..
nice car imo, outside looks very neat.
Would be great as acruise car due to its fuel efficiency 8) ...although carby is 80's. needs some efi!

Oh, and the asking price... :shock: that the best tommo got to offer these dayz? siiiik gsrs with no
hairdryers????!!!! OMG :lol:
haha laugh it up lol... thats coz half of thomo are now rolling in pimpin mobiles..

seen the dub 300c boys..?? im telling ya.. theres a stage when all these guys atarted moving in with euro cars about 6 months ago in thomo..

we're taking over the leafy suburbs haha