head gasket?


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3 pebbles

Apr 3, 2005
Can anyone recommend where to purchase a cometic head gasket, which size do i need for an a spec motor?

hey adam,
is it a stock motor?
if so
just go for a stock sized gasket
u could even go 20+ over if u wanted, wont cause any harm

whats the best price u have recieved so far?

yeah Baz the motor is standard apart from bolt ons, I havent really got any prices other than from meek, also what is the difference between the cometic and the mitsibishi 3 layer metal one? What do you recommend?

well cometic have a built in o-ring
so no o-ringing of the block is need (same as hks)

whereas the mitsus do for ultimate sealing..

i'd got cometic, std bore, HP model
i sold one to TONYDAV aaaaaaages ago, not sure if he is using it
pm him man, he'll probably still have it!

stock bore,
offer him $150-170.00

u can get a non HP one for about that much also..
but i'd go HP if i were you (lower comp., higher boost)

i've got a HKS in mine, not worth the money $400 - 500 bux for a head gasket
i hope i dont have to replace it anytime soon..

quality wise, cometic looks the same..

make sure to get some arps while your at it
this will sound stupid but what is the benifit of arp head bolts? Also, will i have to get block machined before using a cometic???
u shouldn't have to maching the block / head unless its warped

the benifts or ARP, u can increase the torque of the bolts when fastening them.. which means more clamping pressure which means less chance of blowing a head gasket.