Head Porting


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so that theory is down the drain..

the thing is, can you port a vr4 head?? lol

they are so big already
keep in mind the higher intake velocity, and improved angle on the 2G head increase swirl in the combustion chamber providing a better, more even burn, This in turn results in more power and fewer 'hotspots' in the CC.
Yep, its also provided that the type of porting you do to a EVO head doesnt screw around with the angle of the intake to the valves, which plenty of people and inexperienced workshops would modify without even realising its detriment effects :roll:

I dunno how that head was ported in the info above but either head you choose is good enough and will give you plenty of power before you even think about additional porting other than matchporting to manifolds. Actually matchporting is probably the only thing you would be required to do anyway for the 4G63 so you dont screw around with any of the angles IMO :wink:
Just to sum up:

I went a significantly worked intake (TB & Manifold). I tossed the cyclone setup and went back to the ASpec intake setup. No details as of yet, I want to see back to back dyno figures before I see if it's good or not.

The head will be matchported to this by the same place that is supplying all this work.
Would be interesting to see the different results, especially with torque over the entire rev range between the two different setups.
i've got an aspec manifold which has been match ported to the head, ported to suit the xf t/b and ceramic coated..

would flowbench stats help? if u dont want to do an n/a we can test mine..
you do the cyclone and we can test that...

my inletmanifold gasket is stuffed anyway, i may need to take the inlet off (the ports are bigger than the gasket size and the gasket is sticking out in the runners....

anyway, if we can get solid numbers with the manifolds, we can somehow complete the test that the us guys never got to complete (thats with the cyclone)

if your interested lorry, let me know...
if u dont want to pop your inlet manifold off.. i have 2 spare cyclones that can be used...

anybody got a spare head?
Jon's got a head.

My Jspec has a cyclone, and the manifold i'm getting is ported and extrude honed and it's USDM (ECI Multi) like an aspec. So it doens't have all the butterflies and stuff.

I'll flowbench it before I put it on if you want.
it took me a while to find the relevant thread, but i eventually found it

enjoy :wink:



Same head with stock intake
Lift CFM
.050 55.46
.100 101.35
.150 144.43
.200 189.94
.250 218.80
.300 243.46
.350 263.69
.400 270.10
.450 280.45

Same head with Cyclone intake. Now there will be two different numbers on this one. One were both short and long runners are open and one with just the long one in use.

Both runner in use.
Lift CFM
.050 52.29
.100 98.96
.150 142.05
.200 180.29
.250 210.84
.300 241.11
.350 261.52
.400 270.10
.450 280.45

Long runner only
Lift CFM
.050 52.29
.100 94.24
.150 133.36
.200 162.25
.250 183.12
.300 193.94
.350 205.36
.400 210.84
.450 213.53
BobWrinkle said:
ok is it just me or is that like a complete opposite to the pics posted earlier? Argh so confusing.
Pics earlier from me were head port flow, the data from VR-4-PLAY above are from using different intake manifolds :wink:
Hey dude nice looking car. Went to your album and noticed they're all inlet shots and there arent any for the exhaust side.
ok im feeling liek a bit of an idiot but i will try to get this straight.

The VR4 head has better flow then the evo head, and the aspec intake manifold is better then the cyclone? Is that the general idea?
Entaran said:
Just to sum up: I went a significantly worked intake (TB & Manifold). I tossed the cyclone setup and went back to the ASpec intake setup. No details as of yet, I want to see back to back dyno figures before I see if it's good or not. The head will be matchported to this by the same place that is supplying all this work.

Entaran, did you manage to get any results?
It hasn't arrived from the USA yet.

I actually changed the build and it cost me a few pennies short of 3000 dollars for headgasket up. Should be good for a 9krpm redline.

I'll update this thread when it arrives from the USA.

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