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yep thats the one.... as i said... it was running fine.... the all of a sudden it started doing this ****.... so im gonna change the leads next as they are a tad old.... but appart from that i cant think of anything else that could be causing it
MADVR4 said:
yep thats the one.... as i said... it was running fine.... the all of a sudden it started doing this ****.... so im gonna change the leads next as they are a tad old.... but appart from that i cant think of anything else that could be causing it

Well firstly you need to write down what u changed on ur car before it started doing this. Then from there u can diagnoise each sympton and rule out the parts changed. Then possibly looking at adjustable things such as CAS etc..

That would be the best way to diagnoise ur problem by ruling out possible things.

do you still have the standard intake pipe? if you do
you could spend a couple of dollars on a little bit of pvc pipe and spend half hour trying my idea.

i say this becuase i had the same deal, i was doing was driving to work and back for like 4 weeks, as i was working heaps i did nothing else, nothing to the car at all, and was driving the same everyday.
and one day i started having the same trouble as you.
intake is modded... 2.5" mild steel to the maf... so i doubt it would be that... but in more fun news my brake line in the back split lol car isnt going anywhere for awhile
first I would check the exhaust manifold for leaks

second I would check all the cooler piping

third I would check the spark plugs + leads

forth check the throttle body and clean it

fifth I would fit a safc because it sound like more to do with running to rich and wont boost, as it happend to me so I had to fit a fuel controller

Sounds alot like an intake leak and unmetered airflow, disconnect to afm and see if this changes, then, i'm sure you have already, but check all your hoses for leaks as it sounds as if the car was ok until the boost was raised and has shagged a hose, !!! if not give me call and we can go over a few things, :D

ok guyz just an update problem is still there

did a few things

for a start my zorst mani is leaking..... there is black **** underneth it everywhere id say the gasket is shagged hardcore.... second i got rid of the bcs

would the zorst manifold have any effect to boost???

mind u i put the boost down to stock (bending actuator) and it seemed fine for awhile but then it started happening again

gonna go for a datalog as soon as the laptop is charged ****!


sorted guys

i just put in a set of my plugs which were gapped to .6mm
the previous plugs were the 6's which were gapped to 1.1mm

i believe stock states .8mm in the manual
for some reason, ngk books state that its 1.1mm

boosts smoothly and freely now!