hesitation/splutter/cranking/AirCon questions..


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Dec 30, 2005
hey guys! just a question

my car seems like it splutters/ hesitates at high RPM. maybe misfiring or something... after 6500-7000 it does it. like the ol' nissan (mainly skyline) trick of the ignitor being faulty. do you think it could have anything to do with that?

i'm thinking it could be an exhaust blockage or not enough voltage getting to the coils. i have a hard time starting the car straight after i turn it off. it is like a near flat battery but it slowly starts cranking the engine faster and faster as more voltage is being utilised or something. i'll try get a video of it next time it does it. oh and it doesnt do it when i've left the car over night....

next is my A/C control. its the electric version, and every time i turn the car off fully with the A/C turned off it resets itself every time i turn the car back on after 10 seconds or longer. its like it isn't getting a direct power to keep its memory. it only started happening after i changed my tape deck to a normal cd/mp3 player. there are i think 3 lines that aren't being used that i have just snipped and sealed. do you think one should be connected to the direct power that is powering the CD player???

thanks in advance for any help anyone can give!

My A/c did the same thing when i swapped the dash (still does it) and ya know what...i didnt realise till right now but ur probably right, there would be a keep alive power wire which isnt connected. i Just never clicked that it would most likley be spliced in with the headunit...might have to suss it out
Just a silly question that I thought I'd throw at you, but are your battery terminals clamped down securely?
ok... cranking dilemma fixed. new battery = heaps good! :p

was just a faulty battery i guess! terminals were secured tightly too before swapping batt's.

might invest in a milty meter and try suss this A/C crap out.. its really getting on my nerves, every time i hop in the car.... whoosh! a big gust of stinkin hot air straight on me! lol!
yeah lol its become habit for me to get in and push the off button simultaniously whilst cranking to avoid that lol

thats what i do now too! its like second nature when getting into the car. i actually drove my mates MR2 and reached for the A/C button when i turned the key! lol! damn habit is harder to kick than crack y0!! :p
Sigh. Your Climate control reset is because you sliced the blue wire with the white piping. it's the permanent for the AC memory. Go rewire it and don't slice **** you don't know where it goes in future.

It's not like the service manuals aren't downloadable, you could've just checked the electrical diagrams.


</grumpy bastard hat>
Entaran said:
Sigh. Your Climate control reset is because you sliced the blue wire with the white piping. it's the permanent for the AC memory. Go rewire it and don't slice **** you don't know where it goes in future.

It's not like the service manuals aren't downloadable, you could've just checked the electrical diagrams.


</grumpy bastard hat>
because we appreciate it,
and its good to have u back ;)
thanks guys. fixed the A/C problemo... and entaran, please dont play me like an idiot. all you had to say was splice the blue wire to constant power and we'd e all sweet. no need for the needless rant.

now, on to the loss of power situation. could the symtoms of a collapsed cat be what i am experiencing? spluttering at just after 7 grand and not quite hitting the limiter until after about 2-3 seconds of continuous WOT... not to mention the masses of brown/black un burned fuel coming billowing out the zorst...? its puzzling the crap outta me atm...!

any thoughts guys??

kayarubin said:
. and entaran, please dont play me like an idiot. all you had to say was splice the blue wire to constant power and we'd e all sweet. no need for the needless rant.
But he did help you fix YOUR problem though, when a quick search would have answered it also. It goes both ways.

now, on to the loss of power situation. could the symtoms of a collapsed cat be what i am experiencing?
Nah, it would just limit boost. It wouldn't cause rough running.

spluttering at just after 7 grand and not quite hitting the limiter until after about 2-3 seconds of continuous WOT
Spluttering, as in just dropping a cylinder? or major hesitation where the whole engine cuts out for about a second and the car tries to through you through the windscreen?

not to mention the masses of brown/black un burned fuel coming billowing out the zorst
Running rich is usually a sign of a boost leak in the system some where.

any thoughts guys??
How much boost are you running?
Where is the boost guage reading taken from?
Chipped ecu or standard ecu?
When it "hesitates" does it feel like it just dropping a cylinder? If so, that is usually a sign of wrong type plugs, wrongly gapped plugs, or one of the ignition leads has a short., check the type and gap on the plugs to make sure they are correct.

Have you pressure tested the intake to check for boost leaks?
um its not boost cut, i have the boost running on 15 psi with a stock RS spec ecu un chipped. i have a seaking suspicion it could be a bost leak. as i have a pipe rubbing on the body and it could have broken through the alloy.... its sorta a random splutter and not a rythmic one like dropping a cyl... check out this vid as it shows the splutter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdZhOzcx0vQ

it has new leads and new BP7ES plugs gapped to 0.8 as recommended...

as i said i reckon it has something to do with the boost leak from that one pipe...
An Unchipped ecu will hit ignition cut at 15psi easily. Especially given a small 16g if it's a RS.

You have a massive leak in your intake somewhere, and badly gapped plugs or totalled plugs. Also replace your leads with smoething thicker than 8.8mm
rob323 said:
How much boost are you running?
Where is the boost gauge reading taken from?

The other thing to check is to short out the plug on the firewall and check your base timing is correct.
the funny thing with it tho is that it does it on stock boost too... i'm running 14-15 psi no with boost reading taken from intake plenum. off the nipple that the cyclone butterflies are operated off.

anyway, wich plug is the one to short out? the big one or the small one?

it has the evo 3 big 16g on it too... not the small 16g, i got te turbo from the states, brand new genuine MHI, about a year ago.