hiflow cat


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form the results they had with the magic cats in zoom magazine, surely these would be looking into..........

how about no cat??

i'm more of a dog man, cat's aren't my thing :p
ausrotary.com has had a few group buys on magic cats. they're meant to flow a hell of a lot more than "other" 3 inch high flow cats.
also, how many of you guys have actually been pulled over and had someone tap on your cat to see if its legit or not? if you need to go to the epa, you will get notified, so you can just fix it before you go.
I have put a Magic CAT (4inch) on my EVO a few months ago, The 4" are ment to flow the same as a 3 inch bit of exhuast pipe.
Much better than having a smelly car & being caught for running no cat. :)
I think it was around the $500 mark, i got it from a mate who bought a few of them. I'll ask him next time i see him.
But you could do a Google search to find a stockest.