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yeh i popped my hotside cooler pipe and fukd it so i just went home and then made, upgraded and fitted a new cooler pipe setup by the next day :lol: i love mig welders :wink:
ok heres the story...

i had turned my gauge lights on via the "change olour" button on the cluster and didnt moniter my temp at all (stupid, stupid move on my part)
i only did it because everytime i would go to look out the side window on a tight hairpin all i saw was a reflection of my gauges

got to the top, turned the car off and walked off...then some guy comes up and says "dude uve popped ur radiator"....i shat myself

long story short, waited to cool, filled with water, waited for everyone to head down so we didnt slow anyone up and took it easy back down.

got about 15 mins down and bang, overheating again. stopped checked the water and it was all gone. at this point i was too far from any water source so we brainstormed for a bit then decided to lock it up, pulled out a main fuse and took off my steering wheel (can never be too safe lol)

jumped in my mates car and we took off, then we came across a couple of dudes in a silvia and an R33. They were ok dudes but they started cracking jokes about my car not being there in the morning and so on
so naturally i was uneasy and decided i would stay with the car and my mate would go back get a trailer and come back...

he left at 4am and i tried to sleep as much as i could but it wasnt easy.
by 11am i was sick of waiting and we went for a walk to find a phone or something becoz we had no reception there
on out travels we came across a large 20 litre container of water (and a pair of pliers) our luck seemed to be changing

made our way back to the car with out newly aquired water and filled her up with plenty to keep in the car with us so if it spills it again we can atleast make it to a phone or town or sumthing.

turns out, the car just loved mt baw baw so much that it really wanted to spend the night there becoz i drove it the whole 2 hours home and the temp didnt budge above opperating temp AT ALL.

mind u, my old man came up with a trailer only to find us fly past him and we didnt even use it lol

got home, checked the water and not a drop was missing. im going to get the radiator flushed n pressure tested this week just for peace of mind and i was considering going an ally radiator just for a bit of overkill

but all in all it was a great night and some of those dudes can really slide...sum impressive driving and good to see the evos out in force :)

lol and i JUST noticed how FRIGGIN LONG THIS POST IS!
congrats if u made it this far
oh and on top that my mates turbo **** itself in his ceffiro and bobby i believe u had a fun little trek home too lol

the car gods had shunned upon us that evening
nope, runs like a charm signs of it ever overheating

we couldnt figure out how i lost SOOO much then it all dawned on us at the same time "may have blown a head gasket!"
quickly scrambled to check the oil but nothing...all good
i dont get it
not that i know of have not seen any pictures there was a ****** quilty movie on you tube but nothing you could realy see just here external gate that was about it
It was a night time cruise so pics are a little hard, usually come out ****...
I went and it was alright, I always thought the guys who drive Silvia's etc would be a bunch of dick's but they organised the cruise up the last bit of the mountain quite safely I thought.
My turbo housing dump pipe etc was all glowing red hot for a good 5 mins after I shut down the car at the top, I used a whole tank of fuel, and my new tyres gripped the road very well so all in all it was a good Friday night for me! Pity Harry didnt make it...
The best part of the night was the moron who's exhaust dropped off the back of his turbo and he just kept driving it with it ploughing along the road.