I crashed my Jspec :(


Help Support 4GTuner:

Aug 2, 2005
I posted this on club vr4 too:

Hey all

Last night I was on the way to my fiancee's place from my church group (believe it or not lol) and I was slightly distracted by a ringing mobile phone...

End result, my car is in a bad way, and I hadn't insured it so i am out of pocket for the 4x4 i drove into the rear of. Luckily, it doesnt seem like there's that much damage to her vehicle - maybe just a replacement bumper and tow bar at this stage but i havent heard from them yet. My car on the other hand is looking VERY sad.

My I/C had the top ripped off it, and i couldnt open the bonnet to have a look under but from the gaps in the chassis i could see the engine in one piece lol

Nobody was hurt... except for me... i broke the little toe on my right foot... ffs! How weak....

At this stage I am going to take it as a sign from Above that I am stretching myself too thin with these two cars and I will go back to the Aspec and my missus can start driving her old laser again. I'm getting a quote on the damage soon but I expect to be selling most of it off as parts, and stealing the good stuff and putting it on the Aspec.

So yeh... one less VR4 crusing round the roads of t'ville

Peace dudes, I will let you know how it all goes.
damn man,
thats some badluck, goodluck with the repairs!

and dont let it get to ya too much, and excuse to bring it back with a custom front bar and a bigger cooler :wink:
MY WORD! You didnt put anything in the collection plate did you?

hope your toe gets better soon

Nobody was hurt... except for me... i broke the little toe on my right foot... ffs! How weak....

Yeah the ARMYBroke my toe and its still not fixed! :( The one next to the big toe! Fu#$ing hurts to run walk march etc....Operation when I get to townsville. :)
lol yeh you wouldnt think such a tiny little thing would hurt so friggin much...

Yeh it was pedro's old VR4, qhich i found out btw it was supposed to be imported for dismantling. i am surprised they let me register it since they knew about it!

I think i will be putting all the nice pieces on the Aspec. Especially since i found the bilstein shockies on it, and it has the eprom ecu. Well, it was fun while it lasted! Thanks for support fellas
Hey thought i would let everyone know how the strip job is going (no im not a stripper - i mean the car!)

This is a shot of the damage, although we had already started pulling pieces off.


And my friend Nik helps with the process. :D


Tomorrow I have a mechanic friend coming in and we will start strippng the gearbox etc and fit the exhaust to my car. If anyone needs any bits and pieces PM me. I'll put a post up in the parts section
i remember checking that car out before he sold it to you

nice paint job also
what are you gonna do with the body?
Heh yeh i really liked that sunroof!

If anyone needs body pieces or other bits please pm me, because although there are a few bits and pieces I want to keep, I am MORE than happy to offload the rest! The sunroof is unlikely to be for sale though... I told my mate he could have it for helping me strip the car. Have to wait and see if he wants it though!

This has also helped me figure out what the problem with my under-performing auspec was - a severely cracked exhaust manifold. I am swapping the jspec one over, but there is a bolt on the fa bottom right hand side (when looking from front on) that I can get to without removing the power streering pump... and I cbf doing that! Any ideas?

Anyway, PM me for anything you guys might want no matter how obscure (i.e. the little washer that sits in between the nut and bottom of the glovebox!)

PM's sent

(PS sorry to the people who kinda got "I dont know wtf that part is" answers - I will try to research the stuff you want! Or u could make it easy and explain :p)

I have to get rid of the char out of the compound its sitting at in about a week so be quick if you want stuff
