Not sure if this has been posted before however,
I feel a little inadequate!
I feel a little inadequate!
EVO-00X said:I bet her boyfriend is happy.. she handles the ol' gearstick alright lol
thirteen said:Quite nice.
But the only woman I'd leave my misses for is Michelle Mouton. lol
CLuTZ said:
Are you sure that shouldnt be Michael Mouton? Looks like a guy!?
Eww!!! Now I know why they wear helmets. lol.
Looks like I'll stick with the misses even if she can't drive to well.
PSIfer said:
Now this you gotta watch - Sexy Test Drive says it all. The star of this 'show' talks through how she drifts as she demonsrtates some serious sideways action - and she is smoking hot (driving's pretty good too )
Actually just wach it for the 'ad' at the start and finish - I swear I thought a porno was about to start )
Now she has no excuse for being late into the kitchen
EVO-00X said:I wouldnt even do Michelle Mouton with Clutz's dick! thats how bad that photo is... I mean look.. she's stuffing her face with food for the pose! lol
S15ETA said:that chick is worse than that epic chik with the honda!!!!! and yes gooch u are inadequate!!!!!!