Welll I like HER i have seen her gut some cheese with a cheese grater on the front of her car which was pretty cool (I think I still hve the footage I will post if I find) but she aint wearing high heals.PSIfer said:
Now this you gotta watch - Sexy Test Drive says it all. The star of this 'show' talks through how she drifts as she demonsrtates some serious sideways action - and she is smoking hot (driving's pretty good too )
Actually just wach it for the 'ad' at the start and finish - I swear I thought a porno was about to start )
Does that mean High performance girl is driving with socks or bear feet?? and the only footage I see of Miss Nissan in competition is her crashing lol!
I reckon grass roots girl is hot and better. But lucky everyone has their own opinion!