idle problem???


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hey guys..........sometimes when my gsrs idling it goes up and down......1000 rpm to 1500 rpm back down up down up down and keeps going........any one have any idea????? :cry:
same with mine :oops:

im half way taking my isc out...engines too hot. lol

tried adjusting the idle but its not helping.

btw, what does yours idle at cold starts?
a couple of possible causes

clogged fuel filter
faulty fuel reg
rare cases blown turbo (you would know if it was this one).
:D :D :D

if your running a stock ecu then try disconecting the battery(this will reset it and it will relearn the right stuff) for a few minutes if its aftermarket it could be tunning issue that you will need to get your tunner to fix

hope i that helps

when i first got my car it did that from like 1000rpt to 2500rpm and it was a tunning issue

I also remember seeing dres car doing the same thing at errols one day he might be able to shead some light clutz
on cold starts my car would idle around 1500 - 2000 but once warm go back down to about 1000
hes not talking about cold starts
hes talking about after a drive or when its warmed up.
u need to reset the ide control 8)

Replace your ISC. It died.

Fairly standard in Mitsub's about every 60-80,000 kms.

There is no other fix. Resetting the ECU will make the problem worse.

Otherwise put up with it. It doesn't actually damage anything except make your throttle response suck.
Have you tried testing the ISC to see if that is actually the cause?

Go to, look at the "intake" section and follow the instructions on testing your isc.

I was having bad idle surge problems which were being caused by my Fiav.
I tested the isc while I had it out and it was fine!

Don't rush out and buy a new ISC just because someone tells you it's bad.
