I'm a Dad! Intoducing My son!


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Donating Member
Apr 21, 2005
Born James Mathew Marsh

20-2-09 1104 Am
37cm 1.198kg/2Lbs 10 OZ
10 Weeks early:eek::confused:

Baby is going great guns despite the weight and early arrival! 37cm is fairly long considering the time inside:p

Hes just missed the fattening up stage and his lungs are not quite developed, but he is going ok and is in the humidycrib.
Mum is not too bad...was suffering pre-eclampsia/high blood pressure so bubs had to come out now by C-section.
She is really groggy/tired and sore but happy that he is ok!

Anyway here some pics of him and hmmmm bourbon is so sweet :p:D

Congratulations Dane, youve reached another level in your life beyond 4G's! all the best with parenting...may it bring you much fullfilment.

THATS AWESOME MAN!! CONGRATS!!! I have one due yesterday, man you must have been PEAKING coming that early?? Hope its all going well.
Congrats for the new member to your family Dane :) 10 weeks early mate, I would have been shitting bricks hoping baby's gonna be alright lol. Bet ya cant wait to get him homesafe and sound buddy. Then think about how you're gonna spend the baby bonus lol