Innovate LM-1 issue


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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2010
Pomona, Sunshine Coast, QLD
Hi all, decided to take my car for a drive last night, went to start it and the battery had gone flat ( I say this because I'm not sure if it's relevant). I jump started it no worries but now the wideband is reading differently, it's range was like 1.4-1.6 rather than the normal 10-19 or so. I had a Google and it sounds like it's gone into lambda (?) mode. Does it sound like it has just reverted to factory cause the battery has been flat or could there be a fault there. If it's dodgy I'd rather just buy a new one incase it miss reads and I blow up my car :/
Hey Ian. Im pretty sure that it wouldn't/shouldnt go into lambda mode as the adjustment between modes is manual on the rear of the guage itself.
When you first power up the car does it tell you what position it is in? I know mine does aa when i power it up it says P00, which makes me giggle.
Wait sorry it's an lc-1. There is no switch on the back of the gauge because it's an early model where the gauge just shows the reading it doesn't control the wideband. The settings are changed via a cable and the lm program software. When I turn it on it warms the sensor then starts to display the ratio but at idle it sits around 1.5 although the led needle still displays a midrange reading
Have you tried re calibrating as per the manual?
Make sure you do it with the battery charger still attached to the car to ensure you are doing it with the full power to the sensor.
U cam change the settings via the software. There's options lpg, meth, eth, petrol, etc. If "gasoline" isn't there as an option, put 14.7 in and the option will become active
If this was an extended period of time i would suspect its internal batery for mem retention went flat and has defaulted