Sorry for the really late reply been quite busy lately, anyways here's a picture of what the previous owner put on the car..
And here's the o2 housing i had to modify and then flatten because the flange was warped..
And here's some of the downpipe i threw together.. i really should've taken my time lining things up better because i had to cut into it to make it line up correctly with the rest of the system when bolted to the o2 housing.
Then to top off the dodgy ness of it, i ran out of Argon and had to finish it up with the damn gasless mig..
It looks allot nicer when it was cleaned up but it was late and i had pretty much given up on pictures and caring.
It fixed the stutter though a majority of the rev range but it was still there in the really low rpms, so obviously something was wrong still.
Two weeks later i ended up putting the 20psi actuator on it for the sake of seeing if it'd help with why it was running out of puff at higher rpms but that didn't help, then i floored it in 1st gear coming out of a carpark and either the shaft bent or i sucked in a rock and it caused the compressor wheel to undo it's nut (or it was like that for a while who knows).
Drive on it for 10+ minutes before i decided to pull over and see if i could fix it.. as soon as i touched the nut it fell off, so i guess i lucked out on that.. kinda did the nut up as much as i could (shaft had worked its way out and the wheel was seized tight against it) and drove home on that.
TL;DR Stupidity happened and i ruined my new 18g wheel (Use red instead of blue loctite).
So now i am deciding on a new turbo seeing as the replacement/upgrade to a 20G wheel still wont be able to move enough air volume to feed my hungry cams..
Anyone have an opinion on the HX35W?
Or any other turbo options that could be had cheap?
I already have all the parts here to make a new manifold so the only thing now is turbo and flange choice, i'd prefer internal wastegates due to the hassle of piping in an external, although i can go either.
Also if you want to look at the album there's 2-3 extra pictures on there of what i did