Internet Filter


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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2005
Melbourne East
Well done to everyone who voted for Kevin 07.

Now we will all suffer with an Internet filter that no body wants.

Basically, its not about "protection children", as that is a mask. Conroy always talks about child porn etc, which everyone agrees with, but its not just that.

Its anything that is Refused Classification. Any game rated over MA15+ gone, poker sites, gone, porn sites, gone. Tube8, red tube etc.

At least spread the word to everyone you know that come next election to not vote for a Labor government, if you at all value your own freedom of speech.

Most people dont even know whats going on.
It's got nothing to do with Kevin Rudd. Both sides were going to introduce one, it's all about pandering to the little guy (Family First) to get those crucial votes to pass other bullshit.
and you dont think geeks will perform a workaround.. im sure they will the second its introduced
I'm so sick of this being a Labor vs Liberal argument.

Liberal first spruiked this idea years ago, and couldn't make it happen at the time, so they introduced the crappy install on your PC net nanny style software that was a massive flop. Then Labor picked up where they left off, and now both parties are in support.

mattrat - even if there is a workaround, it will be slow, it will cost more, and if found out you will have the book thrown at you.

Freedom of speech and freedom of information is being denied to Australians. It's disgusting.
jase said:
Freedom of speech and freedom of information is being denied to Australians. It's disgusting.
I think politically Australia in general is going down the drain and turning to shit, we need to harden the f' up.
It seems everything is either turning soft or changin to suit other people who come here.

I was never big on politics but im starting to take an interest now.

Im sick the piss weak system where we bend out rules to suit other groups who come over here and try fuck up our awesome country to suit them. If they dont like it then dont come here an winge.
Its often the minorites in certatin groups that make the most noise and give a whole group a bad name.

Yet if we go to their contries we must abide their way of life and at certain countries, rules imposed due to religion.

Alot of public schools in WA dont sing christmas carols coz it offends other religions.

Australia in General needs to harden the f up!

Entaran said:
Good thing some of us have dual citizenship...
Me to! Im half dutch, the other half im 8th generation Aussie.

RANT OVER lol im having a bad mourning!
bastards lol.

i have no options as far as dual citizenship goes. although when i get married my fiancee and i will apply for italian citizenship.
Yeah i just wanted to have a rant!

Im starting to see why politics are important.

Paulin Hanson is starting to not look like such a crazy bitch. Give it 10 years and we will need somone like her HAHA! With out the red hair and bad speaking skills. :p
Problem is you need to be open to change. But you also have to have some balls.

My fiancee's nonno always says to me "When I first came to Australia, we were the ones taking the Australian's jobs, everyone hated us. Then they got used to us, and the asians came along and took all of the Australian's jobs, and everyone hated them. Now the middle easterners are taking Australian's jobs.. everyone will get over it."

They have a boat full of refugees/illegal immigrants (their true identity yet to be seen) and most Australians plead cruelty. Then when the government does as the voters say, they get here and the same bloody people complain about it.

The government is letting them in, it's not their fault that they are here. The issue is that they aren't being taught. You're not allowed to gang rape a woman here because she is wearing a short skirt. I think you should be on probation here. Three strikes of any kind and you're out. I have to do it for work FFS. Claim Centrelink? Instant work for the dole scheme, even if your "job" is to learn English.

Unfortunately in these situations you only ever curb the issue by education AND throwing the book at them. You can't just educate. I got told a million times at school not to throw stuff around the classroom. All of a sudden when you have to stay back for 2 hours cleaning lockers at the end of term when everyone else is on holidays you actually learn your lesson.

But anyway we're massively off topic. End rant. LOL
So how does it work? is there a "black list" or will a filter pick up on certain terms on the site?
I can see this terribly failing for some reason...
Why doesnt the bloody government tell parents to monitor what their kids are looking at!
It'll be expanded to censor unwated content according to lobby groups dislikes in future. More or less anything that goes against minorities sensibilities will be wiped out I'm guessing. Be interesting to see if this causes the govt to get thrown out like workchoices for the lib's.
It's not visible enough.

Nowhere near.

Everyone thinks it's great because it will "save the children". It's ridiculous, there's children's rights groups protesting how this won't work and how it creates a false sense of security for the parents.
If you object, do something about it and lodge your opposition to it:

I'm aware of groups already in the testing phase to circumvent this "filter" Anything the Governement can come up with will be beaten in days, if not hours, just like the Chinese system was & still is.

In fact, anyone with a modicum of computer skills can get around it now:

Unfortunately, this "filter" won't do anything to "protect the children". On every documentary or news story I've seen paedophiles usually share their sick sh*t in closed, protected intranets, not by posting it in publicly accessible areas of the internet, which this "filter" will do absolutely nothing to prevent.

Nor will it prevent them masquarading as kids in chat rooms "grooming" children.

This whole concept has had about as much forward thinking and planning around it as a retarded child poking itself in the eye with a spoon.
Quick! Start dredging the internet for all the porn we can and saving it to external hard drives.

Fucking government, Im so sick of their pandering to the screaming minority.

I heard the filter is based on a complaints system, though some websites depicting violence against women, rape, kiddie porn, terrorism etc will be banned, which is fine.... But if enough complaints are lodged against any website it can be taken down. Canada, Italy and the UK all have filters, though the sites that are banned are blatantly wrong.

I would absolutely laugh my ass off if the people behind this filter got busted with kiddie porn one day.

And who is this family first tool? People will do anything to get their 5 minutes in the spotlight. I mean really, I think most political parties are bullshit and as bad as each other, but who the fuck is going to vote for a party named family first?
lol.... relax guys, you could still get your daily porn fix from downloadable torrents. Hmm.. might be a good idea to stock up on the porn collection in the meantime. NEED MORE BANDWIDTH!!! lol
EVO-00X said:
lol.... relax guys, you could still get your daily porn fix from downloadable torrents. Hmm.. might be a good idea to stock up on the porn collection in the meantime. NEED MORE BANDWIDTH!!! lol

Im at 70% for the month already