Kando Dynamics Turbos


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Until recently, I had never heard of Kando turbos - I had a genuine Mitsubishi Evo3/20g for sale (now sold) and wanted a little more reinforcement to prove my point that although you pay more for a genuine, quality engineered product... at the end of the day, you get exactly that. Kando's may be a good, cheap alternative, but when you have other parts at stake (engine, intercooler etc)... I know which route i'd take again!
I have just pulled a new Kando Big 16G apart... to inspect and blue print. The thrust bearing is pretty good. It is bigger than a standard thrust, but a little smaller than a big
HD competition item. The bearings I replaced with genuine, but ONLY because the cleanup and finishing in the Kando 16G was poor and they had some minor marking. I deburred and polished
the housing. The Balance of the rotating assembly was certainly within spec. The exhaust housing looks good, and has a bigger 34mm wastegate flapper.

This will be used on a competition car and I have no qualms doing so. When they are way cheaper than a genuine 16G , and I pull them apart to blueprint anyway, theres not a
lot to think about regarding choice !! We have been using these Kando turbos on Subarus and Mitsis for a while with no problems .
