Knock sensor. To suit a e39a 87 jap spec.
Do the monte carlo cars with an 808 ecu run a differnt sensor as i'm running an 808 ecu. The apparently have better knock control so id rather the knock sensor that matches.
The vin #'s i can see for the monte carlo cars and evolution vr4s are starting with....
08/90 - 03/92 Evolution Jspec Galant VR4 (Manual) E39A-02##### SNPF 240(176)@6000 rpm 304Nm @ 3500 rpm MD165808
08/90 - 03/92 Evolution Jspec Galant VR4 RS (Manual) E38A-02##### SNPF 240(176)@6000 rpm 304Nm @ 3500 rpm MD165808
08/90 - 03/92 Monte Carlo Galant VR4 (Manual) E39A-02##### SNPF 240(176)@6000 rpm 304Nm @ 3500 rpm MD165808
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Also an O2 sensor to suit the same car. Its a single wire. Or should i just go a bosch unit through work?
Ill pm you my Vin number to be sure.
Do the monte carlo cars with an 808 ecu run a differnt sensor as i'm running an 808 ecu. The apparently have better knock control so id rather the knock sensor that matches.
The vin #'s i can see for the monte carlo cars and evolution vr4s are starting with....
08/90 - 03/92 Evolution Jspec Galant VR4 (Manual) E39A-02##### SNPF 240(176)@6000 rpm 304Nm @ 3500 rpm MD165808
08/90 - 03/92 Evolution Jspec Galant VR4 RS (Manual) E38A-02##### SNPF 240(176)@6000 rpm 304Nm @ 3500 rpm MD165808
08/90 - 03/92 Monte Carlo Galant VR4 (Manual) E39A-02##### SNPF 240(176)@6000 rpm 304Nm @ 3500 rpm MD165808
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Also an O2 sensor to suit the same car. Its a single wire. Or should i just go a bosch unit through work?
Ill pm you my Vin number to be sure.