lights :D


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Mottafied said:
Just thought id put my 2 cents in, Phillips out last narva and any of those other globes because they use quartz glass which is much stronger, Stay away for the Crystal and Diamond vision ones though, they are just for show. Also something to think about is that as soon as you increase watage the life span of the glob fall drasticly, so if you feel like changing globes every week go ahead. Phillips have just released a range called GT150. They are 50% brighter than a standard 55/60w glob, and give an extra 20m seeing distance. but there is no need to up the wiring. They are also a cross between the blue vision although not as bad. so you get a slight white light. Retail for bout $58 from any autobarn store.

Garghhhh damit, i just got crystal visions, lol... they are alright :)
i wanted blue vision so i could see more, but never mind, im happy atm

once they break ill have to try these GT150's... so they are white?

edit: btw, after searching, GT150s = Power2Night