Hey all.
Been a while since the WA thread moved, so I figured I'd give it a kick in guts.
I have been bugging Brian a bit lately about all things early EVO, reason being is I'm trying to upgrade my Tarmac GSR. It's currently running the '93 that Benozi built, and it's a great engine, but as always, I found myself wanting some more poke. Upgrading the car itself has taken a back set due to not having many options given my budget, so plan B involves upgrading what i've got, and it requires some of you lot letting go of parts you've got laying around.
Firstly, I want to upgrade the turbo on the '93 from a 04 to 05 small body, anyone got one of them laying around?
Secondly, the plan is to swap the '93 for a '63. You guessed it, I'm also chasing a complete 4G63t from E1,2, or 3 (or equiv to suit). It's going to be rebuild so condition isn't so critical, but even better if you've got a freshie ready to bolt in. I need it to be near complete, apart from ecu.
Other things on the list that some of you might have is some LSDs to suit cc GSR driveline.
The decision is to screw to wick up on the 93 for the short term, and have the 63 built and ready to drop in when the 1.8 pops.
Hopeful some you Perth guys are able to help me out, would like to get local if I can. Let me know if you can help out, or know someone that can. Prepared to pay good money for good bits.
Thanks guys.
Been a while since the WA thread moved, so I figured I'd give it a kick in guts.
I have been bugging Brian a bit lately about all things early EVO, reason being is I'm trying to upgrade my Tarmac GSR. It's currently running the '93 that Benozi built, and it's a great engine, but as always, I found myself wanting some more poke. Upgrading the car itself has taken a back set due to not having many options given my budget, so plan B involves upgrading what i've got, and it requires some of you lot letting go of parts you've got laying around.
Firstly, I want to upgrade the turbo on the '93 from a 04 to 05 small body, anyone got one of them laying around?
Secondly, the plan is to swap the '93 for a '63. You guessed it, I'm also chasing a complete 4G63t from E1,2, or 3 (or equiv to suit). It's going to be rebuild so condition isn't so critical, but even better if you've got a freshie ready to bolt in. I need it to be near complete, apart from ecu.
Other things on the list that some of you might have is some LSDs to suit cc GSR driveline.
The decision is to screw to wick up on the 93 for the short term, and have the 63 built and ready to drop in when the 1.8 pops.
Hopeful some you Perth guys are able to help me out, would like to get local if I can. Let me know if you can help out, or know someone that can. Prepared to pay good money for good bits.
Thanks guys.