Maybe I could buy a cheap arse t-shirt from red dot and stick a sticker on it, $10 total spend, that'll suit my style!
Car did my head in today trying to tune in the turbo. RPW had set up a closed loop tuning table which got me really confused. They had set the boost actuator solenoid at 15% duty cycle at 17psi, me thinking 'ok, solenoid opens waste gate about 15% to stop over boost when the closed loop control starts at around 17psi'. Took most of the day for my dumb arse to realize that 15% duty cycle actually opens the waste gate to 85%. So I'm trying to work out why every time I hit 20psi, boost suddenly drops to 12psi, then screams back up to 20, then drops, then boosts...... Gave me self good dose of whiplash.
So, long story short, I learnt a lot about the difference of these two turbos setup on the same car. At 19psi, the TD04 needed the wastegate at 100% open to hold at 19, the TD05 is still shut solid to make 19psi, then needs very fine actuator control after that to maintain 20.
God, what I'd give for a set of rollers at home.
And a t-shirt.