Minor problems


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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2013
Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
My vr4s pretty much perfect at the moment and all up to date with servicing and belts etc.

I still have a couple of minor problems to fix and then it will be 100%!

First of all, my radiator fan Is always on (when the car is on) and my temp sensor/sender and thermostat are all in good working order.

Another problem that could be related is that when I'm driving in higher gears (4th,5th) and put my foot down to accelerate the car has poor acceleration like something is holding it back. The turbo is fine and it spools up properly but in feels like the car is under performing. I usually drop all the way down to 3rd gear for okay acceleration.

Lastly went the car is cold and warming up the revs will hunt a little after I take my foot off the gas. This does not affect the cars performance at all and goes away when the car is warmed up fully.

Hope I've explained things so they make sense.. Cheers
I believe the rad fan runs low power all the time if the AC is switched on. Is your AC switched on?
If it's constantly on high power and you've already checked that the temp switch in the radiator works correctly, then check that your relay is working. Swap it with another.

Acceleration problem could be a multitude of things..

The hunting could be due to a faulty FIAV. You can get FIAV block-off plates to remove it altogether. My car idled hot/cold perfectly with the FIAV blocked but I live in sunny QLD. Probably a bit cooler where you are. Lol
With the car cold and the AC off, remove the high speed relay and see if the fan stops running. If it does, and swapping relay with another doesn't change this, check your temp switch/wiring again. It's in the bottom of the radiator.

Where is the hole and how big?
That's a fair size mate.... Might be enough to ruin your back pressure perhaps???? Torque can suffer from that, but high end? Not so sure. Love my vr-4s, so I hope you get it sorted mate.
As for lack of power, check your knock sensor out, if that's ****** then it will be retarding the timing a heap and thus feel doughy and lack lustre.