Mondays herald sun


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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Saw a post in Monday's herald suns text talk
"HOTTED up for hoons, he'll for families and the road toll. It's time we decided what's more important"

Since when does hotted up cars have anything to do with road toll. Isn't road toll mainly affected by drug or alcohol driving.

Alot of us on here have nice cars...and families
I'm kinds over being labeled a hoon for what 18 yo do when they are young or for when drink drivers speed.

Most major road accidents involve speed. But speed when the driver has a car load of teens or they are drinking. Well the ones that make the paper anyways.

I would like to make the assumption that the car being driven or the speed no longer plays a major part in their stupidity (there are the occasions where people race and have accidents. But most is drink driving. Or kids being stupid with their mates)
All accidents involve speed. If there was no speed they would be stationary.

The biggest contributer is middle aged male drivers on rural roads with a speed limit posted as above 80. A lot of these were single car accidents.

As a motorcycle rider I am sick of being an easy target. Although the numbers are quite high compared to the percentage of cars to bikes. Yet they feel it is easier to aim campaigns at riders to look out for themselves. It would be too hard for them to aim it at the drivers that continue to cut us off and generaly dont give a crap about us.

This is the same with "hoons". The media draw attention to them and the TAC feel they have to do something about it, albeit half arse adverts.
What makes me laugh is that 80% of accidents are in crappadores and falcoons!! that are STOCK!!!
Makes my blood boil im over this crap!!! what are enthusiasts ment to do? we just keep getting pidgeon holed because of
stupid 18 year olds!!!