More boost?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2013
New Zealand
can you get more boost if you run 510cc evo injectors and walbro fuel pump with chipped ecu to suit mods ?

anyone know how to achieve 14psi or run that using a tdosh vr4 turbo ?
You should be able to run 15psi easy as. Grab yourself a decent manual boost controller and a boost gauge
I'm getting in a bit late, but ages ago I did a 450cc injector J spec VR4 into a Cordia. 100% stock (well it had a dump and a 2.5 exhaust) and ran it at 15psi all the time with no dramas.
I've also had a VR4 engine with 14b + 510cc + walbro255 @ 15psi
~80% peak duty cycle on 38psi base pressure (it's probably a lot cooler where you are though).

Went well!
MDK87 - running standard turbo so once i put the 510cc injectors and fuerl pump shud see it boost more when i turn up the boost
Mate, I know it sounds all are kind of having a go. But install the 2.5.inch or 3 inch if you can and you will see a couple of psi increase.
See how you go, then look at a boost controller, whichever that may be.
I'll back Clutz and assure you that small gains as you go mate. I cant recall the boost cut on a VR-4 engine but from memory, about 10 years ago, mine had a cut around 16psi.
With a 3inch it had about 11psi and I used to wind it to 15, it made 220hp at the wheels and it was a giggle.
And just to show my age it was with a td03/04 hybrid. Basically, have fun, but do your supporting mods first my friend, exhaust etc....