Motor Swap?


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Active Member
Jul 2, 2012
Perth, WA
Hey guys,

I know your all going to call me lazy but I'm just putting this out there ok... I've simply got way too many projects on the go (cars, RC cars, push bikes, motor bikes, boats... + a bloody house now too) so...

My VR4 needs a new motor, I've got a fully rebuilt short motor to go in, just need to take the head off the motor in the car now and put onto the new one which is waiting to go in. The head is fresh built too only 8 weeks ago.

I'm really just seeing if anyone on here that is familiar with E39A's might be either between jobs, keen for some extra cash etc and would be interested in getting paid to do some or all of the job as I really just dont have time right now.

The car's at my place in Riverton, got good access, on stands, wheels off, ready to roll, engine crane etc. I can get part way there if required like get the head onto the new motor and timing belts/cover all set and then it is just a matter of motor/box out... swap motor, starter etc and then put it all back in.

If anyone is keen to talk more then please message me ok...

Otherwise I'll just have to slowly chip away.

Cheers :)