My 500hp+ VR4


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MDK87 said:
How is this thing going? Any updates?
Been real slow going this year, the rest of life has been taking up all my time. But I got the manifold at HPC getting coated, expecting it back in 3 weeks. Bolt it back up and it's finally on the road for some tuning time.
Ahh I know the feeling, sucks when life gets in the way. Lol
Keen to see more of it once you do get it running :thumbsup:
Finally, something happened :D I got these back from HPC





Not cheap! a bit over $1k for that.
Nice work! Looks good bro. Did it take them long to do that? I'm not in brissy so wanted to work out postage/coating time.
Finally, a bit of an update.

Got back my spare time, finished renovating the house, cleaned up all the little things that had to be done, hosted an engagement party and all that stuff that, I can find a weekend to play cars now. Added to that, the Mrs is expecting our first kid on the way, due April, so I gotta get all tins done else it will be years before I can do this much on cars again.

Got it to a good running state this last weekend. Fitted back all the interior, got better carpet from another shell, dyed it black and cleaned up everything of 20 years of human slime and gunk. It is a nice car to sit in and just drive now. Had some O2 wires and vac lines crossing over the turbo, they got a bit melty pretty quickly, so got some heat shield over them now.

Running 16psi Wastegate springs just for now, she revs nicely to 7500, and only stops from the rev limiter set in ecmlink (I got worried the first time, when the power suddenly ran out at 7500 before I remember there is a limiter). I want to make a better air box intake and get the bypass valve in the muffler before going for the big boosts

More photos to come.

One thing I am now after is an LSD for the rear and 4bolt driveshafts. I know how rare they are, but if anyone can hook me up with any leads, that would be awesome.