Need a little help, Rego


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Feb 3, 2013
Hey, im new to the country and dont really get this rego thing so hoping one of you guys have done this.

I bought my evo 8 from Sydney from a car dealer. I am the first owner here. It has 3 months nsw rego which I assume is for the dealer not too sure though. When I reg it in Vic do I have to pay stamp duty on the car when I reg it? or is it just the insterstate fee which i put the market value at 0?

If I put the market value on its adds a extra $1184 on top of the normal fee?

Any help would be awesome!
So your driving the car without doing a change over from the dealer? do you have rego papers?

If the car is not in your name you will have to pay stamp duty, and they will tell you the market value, you can say you paid $500 but if its worth $20k you pay on that.
yeah Iv got the papers, the slip of the bottom saying i have 14 days to transfer it?
I have sale value written on the back of the forms. so looks like I will be paying stamp duty then.
Iv only just arrived back from Sydney today. Just means I will have to pay it, oh wells **** happens I guess.
Cheers for the reply.
When you bought the car from the dealer and they gave you the papers you had to go the the RTA and change the owner to yourself. Its going to cost you stamp duty for sure if you havent paid it already.
im from Melbourne too so it would be getting reg here, i thought you can only rego a car in nsw if you live there, I thought I had to pay it any way just thought id check.
Unless it's a "drive away no more to pay" deal then yes, you will have to pay tax on it.... A **** load more expensive than NZ!!
Actually if you want to register a NSW car in VIC the NSW rego will get sripped and you have to re-rego it all over again in VIctoria with a blue slip (full rego check etc just like an unregistered car).
Well thats what happens if you want to bring an interstate car into NSW. e.g I buy a car from VIC, in order to rego it in NSW, the VIC rego gets stripped (bye bye $$$) have to go for a blue slip again and re-rego the car from scratch.