Need help removing dump pipe


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Aug 2, 2005
Hey everyone

I am trying to install a custom 3" turbo back exhaust into my aspec that was on my jspec vr4 before i crashed it - but im having trouble removing the bolts on the exhaust housing of the turbo.

I tried it a while back and thought i was going great guns but the damn bolt snapped and now I'm trying to remove the other 3 without them suffering the same fate!

Anybody have any tips? Anyone done this themselves before? I think the O2 sensor wont be hard to suss out - it should fit straight into the new piping just fine.

So far i have left the car to cool for a few hours (with the help of some water tipped on it too!) and have been periodically spraying the bolts with wd40.

Any help I could get would be great

Thanks fellas


Can you just swap the entire exhaust housings over? It might save you having to undo and break anymore bolts. I had the same problem and had to remove the exhaust housing, drill out the broken off bolt, redrill and retap to suit a larger bolt - bastard of a thing. There is plenty of antiseize in there now though for next time.
Would love to but i dont have the other housing here... and its got broken bolts in it too i believe! What a load of crap... surely there's a better way to build these things! lol

Thanks anyway mate
Ah, this exact thing happened to me. Which bolt is it that's stuck, the freaking one at the "back" of the turbo, within that little curve?

Get a cheap ring spanner, a chisel or something long and metal, and a big hammer. Smash the ring spanner onto the bolt, and then get something you can use to lengthen your ring spanner. Luckily my housing had 14cm bolts in it, so I just shoved the drive end of a ratchet in there, and presto, it's out.

All of the WD40 in the world won't get it out. I was spraying it periodically (every 30 minutes) with 2 different penetrants for about 3 days.

Also, it's much easier if you don't have the turbo in the car.. the way you're talking about it it sounds as if you have it still in the car.. which will make the bolt at the back of the housing impossible to get at.
Hmmm ok

I was hoping it wouldnt come to me having to remove the turbo (i just aint that great at playing mechanic with these cars!)

Hopefully some of the other t4g guys up here will be around soon and we can suss it out.

I have been almosy hanging off the damn bolts and they arent budging :?

I think i can get to that bolt you are talking about easy enough... if its the bottom one you are talking about. Getting under the car and using a contraption of extensions and swivel-joint type connections makes the job a little easier... still though the damn thing wont come off!

Ah well... if worst comes to worst I can snap the damn things, take the turbo exhaust housing to a shop to get the broken bits removed and then buy some new bolts.

Cheers dudes!

A mechanic did that on my car too....

I know this sound like crap cause metal expands at temperature but the guy said that there are places that heat it up till its red hot (like 700 degrees) at which point the bolt will be more than happy to unscrew.
yeah but because the bolts will be made out of different metal, maybe the exhaust expands more at 700 degrees then the bolts.
Thanks anyway guys - we got it off (albeit with 2 broken bolts), and the 3" system is on (albiet with only the other 2 bolts holding it on lol)

It leaks like a bitch which causes the motor to sound like a 2 stroke lol

Will take it to a shop later and say "Your problem now!" and get them to drill out old bolts and put new ones in.

Props to the Townsville Team4G (TSV T4G!!!!) who helped out! We were up laaaaaate doing it and my wife wasnt happy but meh lol thanks guys!

No worries dude :wink:

Im sorry i couldnt hang around to put the turbo and exhaust back on but i was fullt booked that night :wink: :lol: